Maxon's P.O.V

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I regain consciousness when I hear shouts. I open my eyes and remeber all that has happened. I look down to see my mother in her peaceful state of rest. I remember my America dying without me being able to do anything. I see in my mind my father lying dead in the ground. The realization then hit me. I am king. I am king of illea. I get up and see Gavril walking towards me, he is opening a safe room when a guard points me out to him. He comes running over to embrace me when he looks down at my mother. He looks into my eyes for confirmation. I not my head and he lets out a gasp. "She was a wonderful queen, your majesty." he says with a tear running down his cheek. I not unable to speak. A guard walls over to us and Gavril whispers something in his ear. The guard walls over to me and leads me to the hospital wing.

I am lead to a back room when I arrive. I ask the doctor if he has seen America. He just lays me down and true to check my vitals, but I start to become hysterical. I am trying to run out of the room to find America when I feel the needle go into my arm and the sedative flow into my blood stream.

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