Maxon's P.O.V

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I wake up on a hospital bed. A doctor comes rushing in. "Your Majesty." he says before bowing. "How is Lady America?" I asked as soon as he faced me. "You can visit her soon. She is in critical condition though. The bullet has been removed but it did cause a lot of damage. We are lucky you weren't the one shot." He left soon after. As I waited for his return, I though about how I should have been the one shot not America. I can't live without her but she could live with out me. I can't believe I let this happen.

Soon the doctor came back in. "You are allowed to visit Lady America now." I stood up and followed the doctor down a hallway. We arrived at her room. I looked through the window and saw America hooked up to many machines. I opened the door and walked right over to her bedside. I knelt down and grabbed her hand, it was so cold. I looked at her face, it was still her beautiful face just much paler. "I'm so sorry my dear. I should have pushed you out of the way it jumped in front of you. Anything to save you from this. I'm sorry."
Maxon you shouldn't blame yourself." I looked at the door and saw Kriss standing there. I shook my head. "But it is my fault."
"It's not though, it's those rebles who shot Celeste, who shot your parents, who killed innocent people. It is there fault not yours." She sighed. "Maxon this is hard for me to say but you love her and she loves you. Be patient, she will come back to you. Just believe in her stubbornness." I laughed a little at the last part. "Thank you Kriss, for everything." She nodded and walked out the door, disappearing down the hallway, leaving me with America. "Your a fighter, show is how much."

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