xii. love (a/n)

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Bellamy's POV :

" Go Away. " I groan. Someone keeps knocking on my door and it's getting really super annoying. Ever since Clarke "dumped" me two days ago, I don't feel like leaving my room. Ever.

" Bell, open up! " I hear Octavia say.  " I'm not leaving until you let me in. "

I know she isn't lying so I guess the only thing to do is let her in. Especially if I want to sleep more.

Opening up the door I stare at Octavia and shield my room with my body, indicating she isn't welcome to come in. She senses this and pushes me back creating a pathway for her to walk past me. She sits at the edge of my bed and asks me what's wrong.

" It's Clarke again. " I admit.

" What did you do this time? " She asks, annoyed.

As I explain to her the situation, she seems to be getting more annoyed by ever word. When I finish she starts to rub her temples.

" Boys are so stupid. " She mumbles under breath. " Bell, I know you're trying to protect her but you can't. Especially if you like -"

" Love." I correct. " I think I'm falling in love. "

" Then what do you expect? To protect the girls you love their whole lives. "

Silence follows are conversation. I guess she's right but I can't let someone sacrafice their whole lives on a relationship that may or may not work.

" Bellamy, from what I've seen of Clarke, she looks like she can take care of herself." She says.

I know she's right on that. That's one of the things I love the most about Clarke.

" Besides it's not like you guys broke up, you are just fighting. " Octavia explains.

" And how do you expect me to make it right this time?" I ask.

" Apologize. " She answers.

" Fine. " I sigh.


Ok so this chapter was like two pages but I just wanted to tell ya'll that I'll be completing this story soon so enjoy this while it lasts.


bby bell is fallin in love ;-)) <333

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