ii. the kitchen disaster

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*2 year time jump*

Clarke's POV :

" You know, he's been acting weird lately. " I explain to Octavia over the phone.

" I know right! He's been acting strange all week. " Confirms Octavia.

A long period of silence follows that last remark. Maybe Octavia and I are thinking about the possibility that....no he would never! Wait, could he?

" Octavia? " I question. " Do you think maybe Bell could be cheating on me? "

" No! Never! " Octavia replies sheepishly.

Sighing, I come to the conclusion that he might be.

" Look through his contacts to see who he's been texting lately. " Suggests Octavia.

I can't imagine that Bellamy could've left his phone upstairs in our bedroom but I'm desperate.

Sure enough, I find his phone sitting on top of the dresser. I pick the phone up and unlock it. Clicking on the contact app, my stomach turns to mush.

With every ounce of courage I get, I check to see who he's been texting.

" I can't believe it! " I gasp.

" What?" Replies Octavia.

" He's been texting that pretty girl from the interview we met last week! " I exclaim.

" No Way! Read through the texts! "

Honestly, I was afraid to look theough them, but once I did, a sigh of relief came flooding out of my mouth.

" O, he was just texting her to get a good recipe for chocolate cake. "

Bellamy's POV :

Baking is actually hard. I'm pretty sure I burnt myself four times trying to put that stupid cake in the oven! Also you have to remember every little detail of everything! I wrote down the cake recipe Danilla gave me, the girl who I met at an interview last week, and I stupidly forgot to put down the chocolate frosting recipe. I'll just go check my phone-wait-Is my phone upstairs?! Oh No! Clarke could look through my messages!

I race up the stairs and run to my bedroom. When I open the door to our room, I see Clarke looking at my phone.

" No! " I exclaim and knock the phone out of Clarke's hand.

" What was that for? Stealing your chocolate cake recipe?" Questions Clarke.

" Sorry, I just have some private information on there. " I explain.

" Like? " She asks. After three more seconds of silence she jumps to a strong conclusion. " I Knew it! You're cheating on me! We've been together two years now and you decide to cheat now! I can't even believe you! "

I'm so awestruck by her statement that the only word that can come out pf my mouth is " What?"

As soon as Clarke starts to yell at me some more, the smoke alarm goes off. Did I seriously just forget to take the cake out of the oven? How stupid am I? I literally just ruined this entire night!

Clarke races down the stairs and pulls the burnt cake out of the oven. Unfortunately, the cake doesn't make it to the island. Instead, it takes a trip to the land of the floor.

Meanwhile the smoke detector still keeps beeping and because I can't stand one more moment of it, I try to turn it off. While I'm taking on this task, Clarke cleans up the cake from the floor. It wasn't soon after that I heard Clarke gasp.

" Bellamy? " Clarke asks. " What Is that?"

My eyes avert to the tiny royal blue box sitting on the countertop. Did I seriously just leave the ENGAGEMENT RING OUT ON THE COUNTERTOP FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE?!?

Trying to avoud the awkward situation, I take the box and open it. As I fall to one knee, I pop the question.

" Clarke Griffin, will you marry me? " I ask.

Suddenly, the fire sprinklers go off and soon we are drenched. Instead of being mad, though, Clarke just starts laughing. But not just laughing, hysterically laughing.

" Yes! " She exclaims.

She pulls me off the ground and gives me the biggest hug ever.

" I was going to wait till after desert but I guess you left me no choice." I say.

She chuckles again and kisses my cheeks many times.

" This is definitely the weirdest proposal I've ever witnessed. " She says.

We both laugh and continue to clean up the mess.


holaaa so i was just wondering if ya'll wanted to check out MY NEW STORAYYYYY!! It's called " Wishing On Stars" and obviously it's a Belarke fanfic. I actually kinda like it and it's like a mini story so i'm pumped that it wont take five years to write it. anway i hope u enjoyed! also I'm thinking about making a 100 hiatus book. Any thoughts on that? It would be a book helping us get through the hiatus and I think it would be soo cool! Please Please comment if u want it!!! lol God Bless you if you're reading this rn! ahahah

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