Chapter 3

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The last thing Jeremiah had expected to see when he walked downstairs that morning, was to see his strong, beautiful daughter, crying into a sweatshirt.

"Daddy?" Jeremiah knew it was urgent, Emma hadn't called him 'Daddy' in years.

"Emma, darling? What's wrong?" He was cautious, he knew that Alicia had come to see her daughters earlier, and had purposely slept in late to avoid any fighting.

"Aaron, she... she wasn't here... when I woke up, and... and I'm scared." Emma's words came in short bursts, a sure sign as any that she was having a panic attack. Realizing this, Jeremiah walked over to the fridge and pulled out the family's 'secret stash' of sweets and 'feel better' foods. He walked into the living room and plopped himself next to Emma and opened the box.

"What do you mean she wasn't here?" He asked.

"Like not here... her bed wasn't made... the lights weren't on... her stuff hadn't moved... I don't know where she is daddy, and I'm so scared for her!" Emma poked around the box and pulled out a packet of Smarties. Her sentences were still clipped and her hands began to shake, so Jeremiah put his hands over hers and kissed her forehead.

"You know your twin. She's a little reckless, but I'm sure she's fine. I'll bet you she'll turn up within the next few hours. And if something was wrong... you would know." Jeremiah wasn't just trying to assure his daughter anymore, he was trying to assure himself. The last time this had happened, Aaron had left to follow her mother to California. Luckily Aaron had thought better of it, just before she boarded the plane. Please let her be okay Jeremiah prayed for the first time since the twins were born.

"You're right. I would know if something were wrong. Thanks Dad." Emma didn't sound convinced but Jeremiah knew that was all he could do for her right now. "By the way, mom left us stuff. For our birthday. Just thought you might want to know." This shocked Jeremiah to the core. Alicia never gave anything to anyone. Jeremiah knew that if Alicia left them something, then it had to be either cursed or blessed. Goddamned Goddesses he thought to himself.

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