Chapter 6

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"Well that and the fact that you are the product of a deity and human mating." Birch added as an afterthought.

Aaron recoiled, "Excuse me? 'Product of a deity and human,' what is that supposed to mean?"

"Well you know how in Greek mythology, when the Gods and a human mate, the offspring is a demi-god? It's like that but with lesser beings in place of humans. And the result is, us."

"You keep saying 'us' and 'we', why?"

"Because silly, you and I aren't the only ones. Hundreds live in this world, and even more up on Mount Olympus itself. We call ourselves many names, but the one we use here is simply "Eternals."

"So your trying to tell me that there's a legit Mt. Olympus, with gods and deity's and 'Eternals'?" Aaron asked eyebrows high.

"If you take out the first 'and', then yes. That's exactly what I'm trying to get across. There's a legit Mt. Olympus." Birch said trying to hold his smile.

"Don't taunt me. I'll have you know, that before I was dragged into this whole mess, I planned on going to college to major in English. So you have no right to criticize me, Birch." Aaron drew out the name, and then turned her back on the redhead and stormed out the tree.

Scarlet scampered up to Aaron, almost the minute Aaron set foot outside the doorframe. "So... How'd it go?"

"I'd really rather not." Aaron said holding in her pointless anger.

"Oh, what'd he do this time?" Scarlet asked, a slight gleam in her eye.

"What do you mean, 'this time'?" Aaron asked whirling around to meet Scarlet's eyes.

"Well, he seems to tick a lot of the girls off, especially when they first meet him. They always say that there's just something about him they don't like. That's what they've always told me anyway." Scarlet explained.

"Hmmm..." Aaron nodded. There was something about him that had made her extremely irritable, but she had never felt that much loathing for a person, not even her mother. 

"I don't get why though? He seems like a nice enough guy now that I look back on it. But he just made me so angry." Aaron said with a sigh.

"Yeah I think I may have an answer to that. He told you that you have the ability to do whatever it is you do, because you believe in love, and are the offspring of a deity/human pairing right," Aaron nodded, " Well your parents help determine what other abilities you inherit. Like being beautiful, or being smart, or strong. Birch got one of the darker abilities, he can make you hallucinate. Everyone we've encountered with that ability has turned out mean, not evil, but mean. Except Birch. Maybe it's just our instincts, but none of us really trusted him for the first couple of years he was here. Then he saved us."

"What do you mean he saved you guys?" Aaron asked.

"Well, we were out on this mission, and we fell into this trap. We were all stuck and Birch managed to pull most of us out, before we got sucked into the abyss. After that, we never questioned his loyalty."

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