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Dans POV:
I missed phil being here, I really did, having them piercing blue eyes looking at you every now and again... I missed that.
We were around a small campfire together cringing at the joke phil just made.
'phil!! Stop! Thats so bad!' I said with my hands over my face.
'Sorry, I saw my chance and I took it!' he laughed at his own joke... Now that was a true cringe!
Once everyone had stopped laughing at phils outburst we all just stared at the small fire we had made. It was like the fire was hypnotising us, with all the flames jumping about all at different directions. All you could hear was the crackle from the fire and the distant cracking of leaves... Wait what? Distant cracking of leaves!!
'Guys, is it just me or do you hear leaves being crunched?' I questioned whispering in the scilence.
'No,' phil answered 'What crunching?'
'Shut up, and maybe you'll hear it!' Jo whispered back.
All you could hear for the next couple of seconds was the slow crackling of the fire and the slow, small cracking of leaves.
'Weapons out everyone.' Jo instructed, taking out her own axe.
Slowly I took out my gun in one hand and a knife in the other.
'I don't have a weapon, can I have someone else's?' Phil asked, with a worried look on his face, we all looked at eachother no one wanted to give up a weapon. Having one less weapon was like suicide!
'Come here phil, you can have my gun, but only pull the trigger if you have to, we don't want to attract any more walkers than we have to.' I said as I offered my gun to phil showing him how to hold it.
'Thanks, Dan!' phil answered once Dan was done showing him how it worked.
'Now we wait, I guess?!' Kevin suggested.
'Yep, I guess so.' Jo answered.

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