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I sat up in the dusty hospital bed, but as dizziness came over me, I  laid back down, with my eyes shut, telling myself it was going to be alright, that I was going to be at home with my mum and dad, and that none of this had happened, but as I opened them again, I was still in the same grubby room, with the same grubby equipment. I tried once again to sit up, and this time I stayed up. I looked around at the small room and gasped in shock, to find a small girl! I screamed in shock as she ran around the bed to me and put her hand over my mouth to make me shut up.

I carried on screaming, but soon had to gasp for breath, and as I did, a sob came over me. I tried to turn it into a cough, but once I had started I couldn't stop. The small girl kept near me and told me over and over again that it was going to be alright, even though I knew it wasn't. I kept sobbing until there was nothing left for me to cry out.

"Jo" she told me thought the silence that followed, "That's me name, Joanna, but everyone calls me Jo"

"Phil" I said back, as I tried to stand up, "and who's 'everyone'?"

"Everyone back at camp, there's only 5 of us left though..." she whispered.

"Camp, are you a scout?" I asked confused.

"Ha, no as much as I wish I was, do you seriously not know?" she asked me.

"Know what?  Has something happened while I have been here?" I asked, though the pain as we walked to the door.

"Um, you see... there's been a decease that has spread though out the whole world, and no one can seem to find a cure. Everyone's dying and coming back to life again wanting to eat us, kinda like a zombie, but we call them walkers. I know it must be a lot to take in, but... it's true, hence the fact that this hospital has been deserted. It's been happening for over 10 months now, you must have been asleep for a long time!" she explained in a hurry, as we made our way slowly along the deserted corridors.

"... Are my parents still alive?" I asked quietly.

"Let's go check, we keep all the names of people who are alive or if we have seen them on this international computer, the whole world knows about it, so it works!" she explained

Wow there was a lot of things I still didn't know about, how much more?  I thought. We came to a stop as the pain in my head returned.

"Come here."Jo instructed as we slowly made our way over to a wheelchair. As soon as I had sat down the pain retreated, "thanks." I said. 

Jo pushed me the rest of the way to the computer flying along the corridors together, laughing, shouting and screeming. However as we started to approach the computer I had butterflies in my stomach and felt very sick.

Trying to keep it in, I searched my parent's names into the computer...

'No results' I read

Thanks for reading guys hope you like it...cliff hangers are always annoying aren't they... hehe

lifeonline x

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