Chapter two

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"The bartender?" Lauren asked with one eyebrow raised, scanning the older girl for something she thought she may find in her eyes. Ally looked back at Lauren when she stopped at a red light, simply beaming with anticipation. Yep, there it was.

"Remember when I said we met a girl and I thought you'd like her?" She smiled casually but Lauren knew that it was for sure a classic DJ and Ally set up. "Well funny story, she's actually a part time bartender at the Bubble! She's trying to pay her way through school."

"Sounds somewhat promising," The marine breathed, shocked at how interesting this mysterious girl sounded already. "Please, continue."

"Great."Ally smirked knowingly then proceeded through the now green traffic light. "Well, DJ being the match maker she is, started talking to her just to see what she was into and what not. They hit it off quite well which is why I met her a few weeks ago. Anyway, she's super sweet and has a thing for heroes." She nudged the younger girl in the ribs while scanning the parking lot for a spot.

"I'm no hero," The lieutenant chuckled, "just doing my job." When the shorter of the two women finally parks the 2012 Civic, she placed a hand on Lauren's shoulder.

"Hun, you're kind of a big deal. At least around here you are, the whole city thinks you're badass. Stop being humble for five minutes and take pride in the fact that you serve your country, just don't be an asshole about it." Ally slapped the lieutenant's arm playfully. "This girl is a sucker for marines, I'm just not sure she's met the right one yet. But that didn't stop her from swooning over the talk of the"

"Me? You're kidding." With green eyes wide, Lauren looks at her cousin in disbelief. A light shade of red began to tint the marine's cheeks. Ally caught sight of this and decided it was time to enter the popular club, she opened her door and motioned for the raven haired girl to join her.

Once outside, the tallest of the two girls brought her hands into the sleeves of her denim jacket due to the crisp winter air and the snow that was continuing to fall since earlier. She remembers a cold night back on the base during her tour, however it was nothing like this. Although it was freezing compared to the North Carolina weather Lauren had grown accustom to, the cold that came from the enemies eyes was enough to freeze over the warmest dessert. At this memory, the marine's hands balled into fists and found their way to the jacket's pockets, the flashbacks of a night raid completely vivid.

Reluctantly, Ally reached for the war hero's hand when she realized the far off look on her face. "Laur? Hey, Lo?" Before she remembered the consequences of her actions, Lauren's hand flu from her pocket and immediately latched itself to Ally's forearm to stop her from grabbing her hand, her grip growing tighter in the familiar procedure. "Lo it's me, Ally."

The marine awoke from her temporary daze and loosened her hold on the older one's arm. The reality of where she actually was setting in and the tension between her shoulders somewhat easing.

"Shit sorry. It's just ever since-"

"I know, it's okay. But you're okay, you're home." Ally smiled at her reassuringly, then led the green-eyed girl into the bar where she was engulfed in an immediate embrace from none other than Dinah Jane. Followed by another from Normani and a once over from the brown-eyed bartender.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" The Polynesian yelled, clearly already having at least two drinks into her. Grabbing onto Lauren once more, she scanned the darker haired girl's face for a few minutes. Almost as if she was trying to believe her presence."Welcome home ya badass. I missed your face."

"Hey DJ I missed your face too," The lieutenant smiled genuinely then proceeds in casual conversation and informing her two friends of her recent promotion. After catching up a little bit the four decided to take some seats at the bar where the brown-eyed bartender stood. Noticing her blatant staring earlier, Lauren gave her a friendly smile as well as a wave, which caused the young bartender to blush viciously.

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