Chapter Thirty-Nine

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There are no warning signs for when things are about to change.

There are no indications.

No simple change in the atmosphere.

And no possible way of avoidance.

One minute she felt happy and hopeful. Watching one of her best friends open baby gifts in front of all of her friends and family. Listening to everyone 'ouu' and 'awh', at all the tiny clothes and shoes, while stuffing her face with cake. All in attempt to wash down the anxiety she felt every time she thought of who was missing from this pretty picture.

But nothing could be that bad when Ally was smiling like that, right? Surely, the universe wasn't that cruel; was it? Even if Lauren wasn't alright, Camila had found herself in the right place to be if there was any news to be heard. The lieutenant's official guardians' home. Where her love had spent most of her senior year of high school, before enlisting of course.

Camila did her best to focus on the tiny things that were coming out of gift bags, she really did. But no amount of cake, or little finger foods were enough to calm her stomach. Something was wrong, she felt it in her bones- in her heart. If you had asked her six months before she probably would've told you that such indications of forewarning didn't exist. But now, she understood. She understood what loving someone could do.

"That's adorable Ally, I can't wait to dress him up in all these when Mani and I babysit!" Dinah smiled widely at the shorter blonde, pride in her eyes.

"I ain't letting either of you touch my baby! Knowing you DJ you'd drop him and Mani, well Mani might actually be alright but, still." Ally laughed, obviously teasing the Polynesian, having known Dinah was actually a saint with children. "I'd trust Camila and Shawn over you two heathens!"

"Wha-?" The brunette hummed, reaching for her now cold coffee on the side table, her fourth that day. By now Ally's aunts and uncles had cleared out, along with some of the girls from the dormitory. All that was left were the mother-to-be, Dinah, Mani, Shawn, her mother, and well, herself. The thoughts consumed her once more as she took a sip, reaching for the neckless her lieutenant had given her. With a squeeze, Camila wondered where she could be.

"I'll have you know I'm wonderful with children. Walz over here might be a doctor but let me tell you, kids cry the moment they get put in those noodle arms!" She heard it, however, she was in no mood to contribute to her and Dinah's usual banter. She felt the younger girl's eyes on her face, probably wondering what was with the far off look on her face. But in that moment, the brunette had been so caught up in envisioning every worst-case scenario unfold in her mind, to care.

"Mila's actually really wonderful in the nic-u." Shawn tried, as he stuffed another piece of cake in his mouth. Clearly, he was also a nervous eater. "One time she saved a premi with just skin to skin contact." He swallowed harshly with a cough. "Was incredible."

She looked up and sent him a warry smile, then looked back at Dinah, only to realize everyone's eyes were on her. Wonderful.

"It was necessary, but yeah. I think your little guy will be safe with me Ally. As for my noodle arms," She shot the Polynesian a half-hearted glare. "I was blessed with a good metabolism what can I say?"

"Ain't that the truth! You can eat everything and not gain a single pound! Meanwhile, suddenly I have cravings and I blow up like a blimp!" The mother-to-be chuckled, holding her tummy.

"You're pregnant, it's only natural." Camila replied softly, her mind obviously somewhere else. With Lauren.

Ally paused for a moment to look down at her stomach, a soft, yet sad smile coming to her own lips. "I wish Lauren was here for this."

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