Chapter 1

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Ross smirked to himself as he saw Riker's car almost driving nearby. He waited a bit, before stepping right in front of it, making sure he got hit enough to get a slight injury, but not too hard to get a serious one. It worked, and he found himself on the ground, clutching his knee pretending to he in pain, as he waited for his victim to come out of the car.

"Oh my god!" Riker said, getting out of the car. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry!"

"My knee hurts!" Ross said, faking a pained expression. He just needed to get in Riker's car and the rest of it will go well.

"Here let me help you." Riker said. "I'll drive you where you need to go."

"Okay." Ross said, and faked trying hard to get up. It was easy to get up but he had to pretend he was hurt. Riker sighed and picked him up. He put him in his car. and got in the driver's side. As soon as Ross was in the passenger seat, he stopped acting hurt and took out his gun. "Labrador street. Drive there. Now." Riker's eyes went wide but he did as he was told. Ross waited until they reached the street, then got out of the car. He went to Riker's side and opened the door, pointing the gun at him. "Follow me." Riker nodded and followed him. They walked about a mile before reaching a warehouse, and went inside. He grabbed Riker's arm and dragged him to a room, then pushed him onto a chair and tied him up. Riker whimpered.

"You got nothing to say?" Ross asked.

"Please let me go." Riker whispered.

"As if I will." Ross scoffed. Riker continue crying. Ross sighed, and got up. He put duct tape on Riker's mouth, then went out of the room, locking it behind him. Riker kept crying. Ross came back in the room about a few hours later, with a glass of water. He felt his heart sink when he saw Riker crying, but he toughened himself up. He sat down in front of him and wiped his tears away, then took the tape from his mouth and held the glass close to his mouth. "Here, drink something. You need it."

Riker drank the water slowly. "Thank-you." he said, softly.

"Yeah." Ross said, and put the glass down on a table nearby. He decided to wait here until Mark comes back to tell him what to do, and so to pass the time, he said, "Tell me about your family."

"Um, well I have a mom and dad." Riker said, "And a sister. Her name's Rydel."

"Are they nice?" Ross asked. 

"Yeah, for the most part. My dad and I had issues for a while but then he got over it." Riker said.

"What kind if issues?" Ross asked.

"He found out I'm gay." Riker said softly.

"Oh. What happened after that?" Ross asked.

"We had a bit of a fight over it and we didn't talk to each other for a while, but then we made up." Riker said.

"So he didn't hurt you at all?" Ross asked.

"No." Riker said.

"Oh." Ross said. "Are you hungry?"

"A little." Riker said.

"Okay. I'll make you a sandwich. Are you allergic of anything?" Ross asked.

"No, not that I know of." Riker said.

"Okay. Wait here." Ross said, and went to make the sandwich. Riker sighed. Ross came back a while later with the sandwich. He sat in front of him and held it near his mouth. Riker took a bite of the sandwich.

"Taste good?" Ross asked. Riker nodded.                                                                                                

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