Chapter Three - Ask Simon

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"Welcome back to Celeb Steez!  I'm Cara, here with us tonight is Simon Cowell to talk a little more about his newest Dating competition for One Direction. So Simon, tell us more about the reason for the show."  she smiled at him. 

Simon chuckled lightly, adjusting his sweater before crossing his arms carefully. "Well, it was actually a matter of letting the boys try this out for themselves. They wanted to test this out so I figured a show would be able to help them at least get a head start on searching for whatever it is that they want. You see, they're extremely busy. They don't get the chance to do what other guys their age would, especially when it comes to dating. Being on tour and traveling constantly, is part of the reason I decided to give this a shot for them."

Cara nodded, holding the mic further out to him. "Well all seems to be going well for a few of the boys. Sources say that the boys have become very attached to some of these girls. What do you have to say about that?"

"Well," Simon sighed. "That's not such a bad thing, it's always nice to have friends outside of the celebrity life to keep things grounded for them but it's..well it could end up being quite a bad idea as well. Wouldn't want anyone hurt if they don't make t to the end which is completely up to the boys."

Cara raises her eyebrows, leaning forward with the mic in hand. "Are you saying you have no control over who stays or goes out of that mansion?"

Simon nods. "Absolutely. This is their chance so if they choose to let go of certain girls, it's up to them. Or if they want to keep a girl all the way til the end of the season, that's perfectly up to them as well."

Cara looks directly at the camera and grins widely. "There you have it folks. It's not up to Simon, he's just a messanger boy. Whether these girls stay or leave, is up to the boy band themselves. Stay tuned for an update on our biggest competition since X Factor. Back to you Judy."

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