Challenge One - Part Three

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You don't know how sorry I am that I haven't gotten to update.. I've been on and off grounded because my grades keep falling. I'm really sorry guys, but lay off a bit would you? I'm trying. I really am. But since some of you are so impatient, here take this. It wasn't finished but I'm not to fond of getting a bunch of 'hurry up and update' comments on my profile.

 Anyway for those of you who commented below for this story thank you so much :) And yes to one comment in particular, I will be adding Eleanor in here somewhere. x

Challenge One ; Taking On the Fans - Part Three.




"Damn. Paps are here, I should have known. But how?" Zayn glanced out the limo window at the crowds of fans and paparazzi waiting for us to get out.

"Sorry, forgot we couldn't mention anything.." Niall trailed off smiling sheepishly.

"Niall." the boys chorused.

"This won't be that bad right?" Melisa questioned glancing nervously at the growing crowds of people.

"I sure hope not.. I don't like people being close to me.. " I whispered. Rayven squeezed my leg with her hand.

"It's going to be fine right guys? We'll get through them and continue on with our day. They're just cameras and nosey people, I can always change that -

"No that's okay." Liam quickly interjected. " Paul said he'd meet up with us so we just either need to hurry past paparazzi inside or we could wait another fifteen minutes for him to arrive."

"I wanna bowl!" Louis shouted.

"Yeah!" Scarlett agreed.

"Let's get this over with then." I muttered through clenched teeth. I sighed, and got out of the car, the paparazzi were already moving forward with those stupid cameras planted in my face. I had to move my neck an awful lot just to have some distance so I wasn't basically touching the lens of the cameras.

"Roxanne! Can you tell us why all the boys favor you?" one shouted.

"Are you currently sleeping with any of them or possibly all of them?" another retorted.

"No questions at this time please." Liam spoke firmly, guiding me through the people. The questions kept coming and the space got smaller and smaller. I clenched my fists trying to maintain my breathing, but It wasn't really working. They were just too close to me. My heart was beating loudly in my chest, I had to eventually stop moving. And ended up curled into a ball on the ground, talk about embarrasing.

"Roxy!" Rayven shouted. "Move out of my way! Excuse me? That's none of your buisness! Shove it asshole!" she growled at numerous people. Suddenly I was being lifted off the ground into apair of arms, and by the scent I knew it was Liam.

"We're almost there just hang on okay?" he prompted in my ear. All I could do was nod with my eyes squeezed shut. I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Here I am being filmed on national television and acting like a baby because I can't handle my own stupid phobia.

"Is she okay?" I heard Niall ask.

"I don't know." he sighed, moving along with me still in his arms. "Maybe she's just a little shaken from all those people."

"Is Paul on his way?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, should be here already." Liam barked. After a few more minutes he set me down on a large couch inside. "Would you like some water or anything?" he asked.

"No thanks." I replied softly.

Liam sighed, dropping down beside me. "Well uh you gave Royven quite a scare. She nearly punched a few people." he mused.

I cracked a grin. "That's my girl."

We both laughed.


next chapter will be..better.. sorry! I'm already working on the next chapter, >.< Dont hate me! and I'm thinking of making a fan instagram for my stories or a book in particular. Should I? Would you guys follow?(:

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