Chapter 30

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Haven't been uploading in a while.

I have no excuse.

I'm sorry.

Love you


Chapter 30


We spend the rest of the day like my father wanted us to: sleeping.

If I could decide between a wish to fall asleep as quickly as possible and James, I'd choose James. There was no way denying that he is the best damn teddy bear ever. He just cuddled up to everyone he likes and then makes them sleep like a baby.


I blinked and saw my dad.

He could be happy that James was indeed a deep sleeper, otherwise I would have told him my opinion about waking my baby up.

"Yeah?" I groaned.

"The thing with the room is clear."


"This is a one-bed room and so we have to bring you to another."

"Then do that?"

"Have you ever tried rolling a bed where two people sleep in, son?"

"Impossible, huh?"

"Can you walk?"


"Then stand up."

Urgh, why?

I softly backed away from James. Instantly a nurse walked in and rolled James away. Wow, he was a real deep sleeper.

"Can I talk to you?" dad asked.

"If it doesn't take too long."

"It won't."


"Don't freak out, but I don't think James knee is useable."

"What do you mean?"

"We could fix it, that's not the problem, he won't have any pain, but I don't think he can walk like a person with a healthy knee."

"You mean he's still going to hobble?"

"Not as much as before, but yes."

"And what about the rest of his leg?"

"Time will tell. He's really weak and we can't risk another surgery."


"We can maybe do that in a month. And now it's your duty to make him become stronger. As his boyfriend."

"Dad, we're no couple."

"Not yet, but that'll turn quickly."

"How do you know?"

"When I met your mom, it was the same. I wanted to spend every second with her. And I don't think it's a lie that you want the same."

"Yeah, right..."

"Now go and sleep."

I smiled.

"Which room?"

"Left corridor, second door on the right."


I made my way to the room and saw what dad did there. Or more what he made the nurse to do.

They put the two beds together so that they became one big one.

I found James awake.

"Hey..." I smiled and crawled next to him.

"What happened?"

"Exactly what I wanted."


"Something wrong?"

I wrapped my arms around him and then covered the both of us with the blankets.


Oh my god.


"Don't you think this all is a bit too quick?"

"How do you mean quick?"

"We just met, you told me you hated me, my dad threw me out, I was at yours, the operation, the cuddle sessions, the kiss..."

"I know it's curious..."

"Can we just keep it with cuddling? Cause I'm not sure if I'm really ready for more. For a real relationship. Sorry..."

Why was he saying this? I should deny that I love him? That he's the one I am craving for?

"I do understand you, it's all new for me. Although my dad thinks we're a couple."

"Don't get me wrong, Danny. I really adore you. You're fucking beautiful, but I don't want you to rush anything and I also don't want to rush anything myself."


Maybe that was a good idea, since I just figured out my sexual preference. That I liked guys.

"I still need to tell you something, James."


"With your knee..."

"It's never gonna work, I know."

"You know?"

"I thought so. It has been damaged for years now, I can't wait for a wonder."

"And they can't fix your thigh yet. Cause you're too weak. And that's why you should definitely sleep now."

"Hmmm... Thanks for being honest."

"I had to."

I quickly kissed his head, knowing he didn't want me to. But I did and I just wanted to show him my love.

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