Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Suddenly the door bell rang.

"I'm going, mum" I told her and jumped off the couch.

I opened it.

And damn.

There was he.


"What do you want?" I asked.

But I didn't sound mean. I was more surprised.

"Daniel..." he mumbled.

He looked at me with his red, fluffy eyes.

They were all swollen.

And he was freezing.

He was completely wet.

Damn, did he stay in the rain? It rained cats and dogs and he was outside?

"Oh god, James come in. Whatever happened, I can't take the responsibility for your death."

He looked at me as if he didn't suspected my answer.

"Just come in."

He nodded and walked in.

"James, what are you doing outside?"

"I need help."

"And you think I can give you help?"

"Look, I know you don't like me. But maybe you're the only one who doesn't truly hate me."

"James," I wanted to say something, but then was cut off by my mum.


She recognised James.

"What happened with you?!"

"Hello...." he whispered shyly.

"Is that a friend of you, Daniel?"

"I know him from school, mum."

"What's your name, darling?"


"James, why aren't you home?"

We both looked at him.

He stared at us.

Then he started crying.


"No, Daniel, Miss. I should probably go..."

"No way! Wait, I'll get you a towel" I quickly said.


"What's with you?" the lady asked me.

"I'm alone."

"What so you mean? Where's your family?"

"My dad has just thrown me out..." I muttered.

"What?! Why would a father do that?"

"He hates me..."


Thankfully I didn't had to answer her question because Daniel joined us and handed me the probably biggest towel they had. I quickly wrapped it around myself.

"Okay, James, why did your father do that?"

"As I said he hates me."

"But why?"

"Wait, your dad did what?" Daniel asked.

"His father has thrown him out!" his mum answered for me.

Then he stared at me.

"Can I maybe sit down?" I whispered very quietly.

"You can also take a shower, darling. Oh and I am Liz by the way" Daniel's mum answered.

I nodded.

"Daniel, go upstairs with him and show him the bathroom."

God, no stairs!

My knee was aching like there was no tomorrow.

"James?" Daniel looked at me.


"Follow me."

"I can't...."

"Huh, why?"

"I've been walking for three hours now. I can't walk any stairs now. My knee is completely useless."

He looked at me, then walked closer and lifted me up in bridal style.


I was shocked.

"I don't hate you, James."

"But you were disgusted by me."

"I'm always doing things I regret later."

He let me down.

"Thank you."

"Why did your dad do that?"

"As I said, he hates me."

"Because you are......?"


"But that's awful!"

"Bullying is too."

"Listen, James, I am sorry."

We stood in the bathroom.

"Let me see if I have some clothes for you."

"They'll fit anyways...."

"But you're all narrow and skinny. I'm not sure about that."

He left and I looked into the mirror.

There was another thing that was awful.

And that was me.

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