55 11 2

Song: Search Party, Sam Bruno

Brooklyn High School, New York


Why is it so silent?

Why do I feel like no one is with me right now?

Oh its probably because I'm the only one in class.

I chuckled quietly, hah as if.

I never sleep in class.

Grumbling, I opened my eyes.


I looked around and saw the empty class right before my eyes. I gulped and turned to Ms. Roxburry who is typing on her laptop.

"Shit.." I whispered, narrowing my eyes. My eyes darted to the open door and looked back to Ms. Roxbury, thankfully not knowing I woke up already.

I bit my lip and grabbed my bag slowly.

Breath in, breath out.

And without warning, I sprinted out of the classroom mentally screaming like a banshee.

"What.." I heard my teacher say but I was already far to hear her voice.

I giggled and slowed to a jog. My phone buzzed in my pocket so I grabbed it and saw the time.

4:00 P M

"Ugh, Meredith what is wrong with you?" I scolded myself and hit my head.

I shouldn't have went with Noah last night. I stopped walking when I saw a shadow of two guys at the corner. My hand reached to my bag, reaching out for my Liberensis.

You're never too cautious.

"Didn't I tell you to not mess with my stuff? Seriously, if you don't fucking stop this I'll make your life hell. " Someone spat with anger.

I peeked and saw.. Seth and.. Lance? Landon? I forgot his name.

"Louis..you know my life is already hell." I saw Seth smirk at him. Then he turned pale.

He added, "I mean.. I didn't mean that I don't know.. I'm not like that..shit.." Seth gulped.

🎶I just wanna look good for you, good for you o-oh... 🎶

My eyes widened. That's my ring tone. I immediately reached for it and clicked the decline button, not looking at who it is.

Planning for an escape once again, I looked back up to see them staring at me.

Louis was looking at me with anger but it softned when I looked confused. And shame replaced it.

"What do you think.." Louis trailed off and stopped when he heard clicking of heels and a girl calling out his name. He immediately stepped away from Seth and looked at him as if nothing happened. Moments later, he helped Seth up.

"Louis? Meredith?" She called out.


"Hey Bella," Louis greeted her with a fake smile. Isabella smiled back at him and turned to us two.

"Um..Mere come on let's go home," She said while glancing at Seth with recognition in her eyes.

I tilted my head to the side, confused. "Yeah okay."

The last thing I saw from that scene was Louis's eyes.

And it all goes black.

This day is bat-shit crazy.



Mere likes comfy..

Why is it comfy..

I opened my eyes and saw Isabella eating croissant at the side, her eyes glued to the TV.

Ah crap, I had a shut down earlier. It happens to Inverras every 6 months. It gives us clue on what will happen in the future it usually works after a day.

I licked my lip feeling the dryness of it and grabbed the water that was on the bed table and drank it.

"Oh, you're awake," Isabella said, dusting off the crumbs on her lap. She grabbed the mac laptop at the end of the bed and laid down with me.

"Sign in on my twitter," I said to her grabbing the bowl of grapes.

"Eh later, I have to show you something, I received this creepy ass email yesterday," She said narrowing her eyes. She turned the laptop to me, indicating for me to read it.

I sat up straight and read,

"Dear Inverras..."


Hi yes hello this is Cristel.

I am collabing with my friend, Tania so you should go and follow her on her account too.

And yes, a cliffhanger.


Love you lovelies. I have school now.

Made: August 10

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