39 6 2

Song: I Can Feel It; Hey Violet

Brooklyn High School, New York


The constant ticking of the classroom clock kept on bothering my eardrums. I sighed when Ms. Sandy continued babbling about Julius Caesar.

I get it, he was the emperor for life then bam his best friend stabbed him. They could've just said that.

I hear Ryan the Jock, in front of me continuously tapping his foot against the floor as he looked at the clock impatiently. I see Harry the Asshole furiously hitting his finger against the table as his brows were furrowed angrily. And, I see Brianna Bitch doing her 'Typical Bitchy Things' on her chair, 3 seats from Ryan the Jocks right. She eats gum, re-applies her ugly red lipstick and gives subtle glances and smirks to Harry the Asshole who was 2 seats from my left.

Then there's Seth the Nerd.

Let me tell you about Seth Styles. He's the school Nerd. He has no friends. He sits alone in break. Even the bottomless losers does not want to bond with him.

Yes, readers, I may seem bipolar but, I just don't want to ruin my reputation.

Yes, I want him to have friends.
Yes, I want him to be confident.
Yes, I want him to be like his brother. Minus the playboy trait.

His nerdy appearance brushes off his true hotness. How would I know that? Well, it was Gym class and I was looking for Louis in the men's shower room.

Yes, the MEN'S shower room.

Then I saw him and he looked a-ma-zing. No gel, no ugly sweaters and no glasses, only a towel lowly wrapped around his waist. He looked so hot. I wanted him to keep doing that for the sake of his reputation but, no! He had to stay geeky and shit. It's just really frustrating.

Moving on...

Seth was on the seat beside me and I see the continued glances of pity from the Jocks and the bitches. Probably because of Seth's uncontrollable sneezes and sniffs. He kept on racing his hand to the challenging questions and Ms. Sandy kept on picking him instead of me. It's utterly infuriating.

"Hey, um can I borrow your notes?"

I glanced to my left while my hand hung under my chin as I see the boy with the glasses asking me for my notes (more like doodle pfft).


I asked him with a growl. I didn't want to act kind on him because people were notified by me and Seth's subtle conversation due to me growling at him. Especially Brianna.

He grimaced at my actions and asked again.

"Um, c-can I please borrow your notes, I've seen you r-raise your h-hands for quite a while so I f-figured you w-would have some n-notes I could b-borrow..." He stuttered.

I gave him the glare but told him "I don't have, they're all doodles."

I stated with a cold shoulder. He nodded awkwardly and mumbled an "okay, sorry,". Ryan was looking at me as I staged an annoyed face. He was in front of me, so he smirked and threw a crumpled paper on Seth's gelled hair.

It got stuck.

Everyone saw and was laughing. Ms. Sandy knew what was going on and scolded the whole class. Though, I didn't laugh with them.

Don't worry, readers.

Seth got a hold of the crumpled paper from his hair and smoothened it. I glanced at it for a brief moment and saw the word 'faggot' sloppily written on it.

That was low. 'Faggot' isn't even an insult.

He crumpled the paper and as soon as he read it. Everyone was laughing again. Ryan mocked him saying "Aw, I'm a faggot" while fisting his hands and impersonating a crying baby. Seth lowered himself on his seat, hugging himself.

A few moments after the laughs, Seth swiftly headed to the door and exited the classroom as he shed a single tear. My moments of boredom faded as I caught sight of his weak side.

Everyone kept on talking behind his back while packing their stuff to leave the classroom saying, "crybaby", "fag", or even "ugly queer". Even his own brother. I scowled out of his direction and made my hair whip as I headed for the door, with my books and binder in hand. I walked to my locker and put my books inside then, re-applied my lip balm.

Brisking to the café, I caught sight of Seth sitting alone on the bleachers of the School Gym.

I checked the time and saw that it was only 10:04. So, I walked quietly to surprise him. As I got closer, I could hear his muffled cries and continual sniffles. His back was facing me so it would be good to surprise him.

I got closer and...

"BOO!" I exclaimed as I forcefully nudged him on the back.

He screeched before he faced my direction, completely appalled. I giggled at his face.

"I'm sorry, I s-should leave..." He said as he speedily put his bag on his shoulder.

"No! Don't..." He was completely taken aback by what I said and reluctantly places his stuff back and settled beside me.

"H-hey" he said, looking at his shoes. "Hi!" I said though, he just nodded.

We were quiet for a while...

"Wanna start over?" I suggested for him.


"Okay, I'm Isabella Noether and it's nice to meet you...again!"

"U-um, I'm Seth S-Styles, n-nice to meet you t-too."

I reached for his hand and shook it.

"There! Now we can talk!"

He was, yet again, completely shocked.

"Um, what are we gonna talk about?" He reluctantly asked.

"How about...? Tell me about yourself?"

He nodded shyly.

"Um, I'm..."

He continued until the bell rang. I've known that Seth talks in his sleep, he play sports though, he just doesn't show it in school, he does not like scary movies, he doesn't like to study (the irony) and lastly, from the experiences he's told me, he never mentioned anything he loved or still loves.

Authors Note -
Hey Friends I'm glad that you guys are reading this, it makes me feel less like shit. Thank you.
All the love, T x.
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