chapter 11

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It had been 10 days since we got back from the hostpital, and even though we have a beautiful baby girl im really depressed.

"Babe, get up!" Louis' voice rang through my ear. I rolled over "ehhh..." i said through the muffled covers i felt the bed dip down beside me "babe. You are missing important moments of our daughters life," louis stated rubbing my back "and there should be no reason to be depressed, just like the other day she opened her eyes fully" i rolled back over

"Really!? What color are they?" I asked now excited. Louis giggled "they're dark green!" He replied getting up and straightining the bed up. He had a point its not fair to silver. I cant just ignore her. I jumped out of bed and walked out of the room i immediatly met harry his eyes wide and his mouth to the floor "what?!" I asked with a slight attitude "uh-uh " he gulped "you only have a bra and underwear on" he said with a bit of chuckle my eyes shot open wide. Shit. I ran back into my room i was completely embarrased i threw on my robe over a tank-top i closed my droor and walked out of the room for the first time in 2 weeks

I walked down the hall and into the kitchen i grabbed a glass from the top cabnit and filled it with orange juicei took a sip and swished it around my mouth before swallowing i rinsed out my cup and walked into the livingroom to meet eyes with the two people i loved the most. Louis was sitting towards me with silver in his lap he smiled widely at me i smiled back.

She was beautiful her eyes were dark green and her hair seemed to be black . I walked over to louis and swooped her up in my hands, she was so lite and precious. My thaughts got interupted by hands around my shoulder i turned around to meet eyes with zayn. "Hi sleepy head! Have a good hibernation?" He joked i laughed "i guess!" I smiled widely and hugged him. Harry trotted down the stairs. It was still kind of awkward i mean he saw me when i was naked. He walked right past me i walked over to him "why the cold shoulder?" I nudged him " still kinda shocked" he said bitting his lip "huh im sorry . I didnt do it on purpose!" I pouted he smiled "im glad your back. I thaught me and lou would have to raise this baby ourselves!" He joked i laughed and rolled my eyes i turned to niall and liam who hugged me tight and sat on the couch "hey karri wanna go out?" Louis asked "yah" i replied harry offered to watch the baby


We were at nandos and we had just got done eating. "Lets go to the park" i suggested "yah, i have a blanket in the trunk!" He replied leaving a tip on on the table. After we payed we got in the car. We sat in a comfortable silence the whole way to the park.

Once we arrived at the park it was about 8:30 now louis laid out the blanket. We laid down side by side "lou?" I asked turning towards him "yeah?" He asked still starring at the stars "i love you to peices you know that right?" I continued he turned over "of course! I love you to!" He said nonchalantly i smiled. He started rubbing my thigh, wich turned me on, i tried to hold back the moan tht wanted to escape my lips but i couldnt. I moaned under my breath but louis heard me. He smiled making me blush. He continued rubbing my thigh on purpose i couldnt take it i leaned over and kissed him passionatly he kissed back and our lips moved in sync i rolled on top of him he rapped his arms around my back and slowly slid his hands to my bum. This just felt so right. He pulled away i gave him a questioning look "babe we already have one kid we dont need another!" He stated wisely i nodded and we started home.


When we got home every one was asleep it was 10:30. "Babe dont forget that me and the boys leave thursday!" He said with simpathetic eyes. I had totally forgot "but thats in 2 days!" I stated clearly mad "well its not my fault you stayed in the room for 2 weeks!" He replied with rage in his eyes "you know what? Im not arguing about this..goodnight!" I said walking up the stairs i imediatly regreted my words but i was to mad to do anything about it. I jumped in to bed and pulled the covers over my head. I soon drifted off.

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