chapter 20

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Oh hell to the no. I better not have no damn sister that is treated like a princess. Wait is she my sister or..?. I dont even want to thi k about this. I should be happy: my fatherthat i havent seen in 12 years just came to visit me.

"So..that was unexpected.." louis said sitting right next to me. "Yeah..yeah it was" i said getting up off the couch. "Where ya goin?" Lou asked. "Ill be down in a second." I said rushing up the stairs.

I ran into my closet and grabbed some clothes. I put on my black stelletos and a beanie and walked out of the closet and into the bathroom i threw my hair up into a high pony tail and put some strands down in the front. I put some light make-up on . I threw on my ray bans. And walked down the stairs.

"Woah..babe. whats the occasion?" Lou aske dwith wide eyes. "Just because i have one kid and another on the way dosent mean i cant be fashionable. " i said giving him a kiss. "Im gonna go to the high school. Ill be back in a bout an hour." I said taking silver in my arms.

"Ok...?" He asked. I just smiled and walked out the door.

I buckled silver in my hummer and jumped in the front seat.


i was currently waiting in front of the school for the students to get out. It wasnt any where time for school to get out. I decided to just go in. I unbuckled silver and walked up to the school. I was greeted by mrs. Feilds.

"Hello, karrisa" she smiled. "Hi mrs. Feilds." I said flashing her a smile. "Say hi.." i told siver. She waved. Awww. "Hi little one." Mrs.feilds directed towards silver. "What can i help you with?" She asked politely. " here to pick up my..sister?" I asked. "And whats her name?" Oh i didnt think about that. "Uhh.....the last name would be parker" i said. I wonder if this is gonna work. " mean spencer parker?" She asked. "Uhhh..yeah.. um she has a doctors appointment." I said.

She called her down and i waited for a few minutes. And then i heard her. "Yes..?" She asked. "Your sister is here to take you to your doctors apointment" she said gesturing to me. She looked clueless. She nodded and walked out the door with me.

We got in the car and as soon as i got buckled i felt arms rap around me. "Oh my god...its you!" Spencer says. "Uh- what.." i said confused. "Your my sister. I mean ive known this since the first time i laid eyes on you in the hallway. And then dad hired a PI. To find you. He didnt want me to know but i broke into his his office and thats when i was sure of it. " she rushed.

"In the hallway?" I asked. "I sen you around school before u dropped out." She said. " old are you?" I asked her. "Im 15 turning 16 in 2 months." She said. "Oh.." is all i could say.

"So howd you know about me?" She asked. "Oh. Umm dad left his phone at my house today and i saw you called. " i said. "Oh. Sorry?" She stated. "Yeah..its fine oh and i saw your message!" I laughed. "Its not funny!! Mine has a big stain on it." She stated laughing a bit. "How about we go to my house. Trust me i have plenty of purses." I said starting the engine. "Oh and whos this?" She asked pointing towards my daughter. O

"The reason i dropped out." I said. "Her names silver. " i said. "Oh..shes gorgeous" i said thanx and pulled off.


i pulled into my drive way and unbuckled silver. "Oh did i mention i love your outfit." Spencer stated. "Thanx.." i said. "Uhh..can i hold her?" She asked. I was a bit shocked but agrreed. I expected silver to cry but she didnt.

"Babe. Im home!" I called pushing my ray bans on top of my head. I walked into the livingroom where all the boys were sitting in front of the tv. "Hey guys.." i said. All eyes were on me. "Hey karri." Harry said and kissed me on the cheek. "This is your boy friend?" Spenc asked. " is harry my best friend." I said blushing a bit.

"This is my boyfriend.." i said pointing to lou. He got up and gave her a hug along with the rest of the boys. "Niall..liam..zayn..harry..and louis" i said introducing them. "And this is my sister..spencer" i stated. "You didnt tell me you had a sister" liam said. "Well i didnt know till today.."i stated . "Oh.." they said in unison. I just nodded and sat down. "Is it me or is my stomache getting bigger..already?" I said pouting.

"Babe..calm down..stand up.." lou said. I stood up. "Oh..well how far along are you?" Lou asks. "Im only two months along.." i said. "Well yeah your a little big..but hey! It could just be a big baby.." lou stated. "Ughhhhhhhh..." i groaned. "Wait whut are we talking about..?" Spence asked. "Oh i have a bun in the oven..again." i said. "Mmm." She said.

"Well you look nice today" harry and zayn said. "Thanx.." i said back. I walked up the stairs and into my room. "Well here are the purses you can choose two." I stated. "I want these. " she says surely. "Ok..go ahaed. Umm can i pick you up after school tommorrow?" I ask. "Umm yeah sure. Hey and thanx for getting me out of chem class today..i have mr. Ryder." She says walking out the door.

Well that was awkward. I wonder when he planned on telling me he had another kid. I wonder if this means he has a wife or any other kids.

" dude these heels are killing my feet." I said and sat down on louis lap. "And your killing me." Louis said pulling me off his lap and on to the sofa.

"Im going to sleep. Ive had a long day.." i say and walk up the stairs. I plop down on my bed and soon drift off.

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