Chapter 1: The princess's death

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"Lucy-sama!!" One of the maids cried out in despair. The others just trembled in fear, utterly too shocked to even say a word. They helplessly watched their beloved princess gone under the claws of the terrible dragon. All of them wept and mourned for their loss. How are we going to tell His Majesty this awful news??

It all happened in a flash.

"I'm going to take a walk in the garden for a while."

"B-but, your highness... His majesty forbids it. I have to follow the orders, your highness!" The new maid whimpered.

"Aww... It's not for that long. Just 5 minutes won't hurt. By the way, I thought I've told you not to address me as 'your highness'! Just Lucy is much better." The young princess exclaimed to her maid.

"Y-yes, your... Lucy-sama!" She nodded slowly.

"See? You agreed! You say yes, so off we go to the garden!" Lucy smiled mischieviously at her maid. Without waiting for her maid's answer, she quickly pulled the shocked maid and headed to the garden. 'Don't forget that I am also a clever princess!' Lucy thought in her head while laughing along the way.

They reached the garden. The sweet scent of roses surrounded them like a mist, and the sight of enchantingly blossomed flowers came into view. The dews on the petals sparkled and glimmered in the sunlight, making the whole place looked like it was covered with diamonds. Bothof them gasped with wonder.

"You know, I've always wanted to come here because... I wanted to see.. this. When I was little, Mama would bring me here every morning. But ever since she was sick, I never come here anymore. I seldom see Mama too. Papa won't allow me to do anything or go anywhere without his permission, only go to lessons, or stay in my room the whole day. It was pretty bored, you know? Sometimes I really wanted to leave this place and go venture somewhere else, but I can't." Lucy started to pour out her heart to her maid. Her maid listened attentively, nodding as in agreeing to her opinion.

She liked this princess. Lucy-sama wasn't like any other princesses she've met. This princess is kind, noble, sweet and humble yet at the same time mischievous , playful and rough in her way.

After walking for a few more minutes, she decided to escort the princess back to the room before anyone finds out. She quickly walked towards the princess who was singing quietly at the flowers.

"Lucy-sama, I think it's time for us to leave. We better hurry up before anyone reaches here." She whispered quietly to the princess.

Lucy hesitated a bit but quickly nodded her head, and replied, "okay. I understand. Thank you for doing this for me." After that Lucy gave her a sweet smile, making the maid to smile back at her.

Suddenly, a large- no, huge dark shadow appeared above the two of them. When they looked up, they cried out in terror. A huge dragon with red scales hovered around them. The maid tried to pull the princess to run away but she won't move. She screamed loudly for help but it seems like no one heard her voice.

Lucy stared at the dragon into its onyx eyes. It's so dark, she could even see her reflection in it. However, the fear in her heart gradually disappeared. She don't know why... She is so immersed in staring at it. Slowly, she raised her hand. Upon doing this, she whispered in an almost inaudible voice, 'take me away...'

The dragon seemed to heard her as it flew nearer and nearer towards them. The maid shrieked as loud as she could while Lucy just stand there, as if waiting for death. The maid closed her eyes to ...

Princess Lucy, the kingdom's most beautiful maiden, only heir of King Jude and Queen Layla of the kingdom of Fiore, is dead.

A/N: So...? How is it? You know what, you don't have to answer this. Just leave a comment, and if you want to, just vote. Please don't be harsh on me, I'm still new at this. But I hope you enjoyed the story!

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