Chapter 4: The Cliff

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Lucy gasped in wonder and amazement. They reached a clearing where tall slender trees surrounded them. Sunlight streamed through the leaves, small flowers cluttered everywhere on the ground, making the entire place... captivating. She cannot take her eyes off the sight. The ground then leads to a rocky cliff where a waterfall came into view. Crystal clear water ceaslessly flowing downwards and splashing onto the cliff, where a soft mist illuminates the area.

This is...

Lucy can't find any words to say. The words are stuck in her throat, and she didn't realize she was holding her breath until she exhaled. She turned to take a peek at the dragon to see he was watching her. Surprised, she blushed faintly and turned away to continue admiring the view.

After a comfortable beat of silence, she spoke up.

"It's... amazing. Do you live here?" Lucy asked curiously.

"No. I just happened to crash upon this place by accident." The dragon said silently.

He took another glance at his surrounding, and walk nearer towards the waterfall. Confused, Lucy followed behind him slowly, taking care to avoid being slammed by his tail. Then they both look down the cliff. All she saw was a huge mist down below.

Lucy was extremely confused. Why had the dragon came here in the first place? Biting her lip, she decided that she needed some answers. When she whirled around and opened her mouth to speak- he's gone. Where is he?! Lucy looked around frantically, searching for the huge, red dragon. Then one thought appeared in her mind.

He did not just jump off that cliff.

Hurriedly, she ran to the edge of the cliff and peek down. When she saw nothing, she panicked and her mind is in a mess. No way he can be that stupid. What if he drowns? Dragons can swim right...? But what if there are dangerous things down there.. Ugh.

Without another thought, she jumped.

Then, at that very second, she realised one thing. A teeny tiny detail. An obvious fact.

Dragons have wings.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Where is my common sense when I need it?!


Lucy screamed on top of her lungs as she feels the wind blowing through her hair. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to-

"Are you out of your mind, woman?!" A familiar voice roared out.


Lucy slowly opened her eyes to see that she had landed on his red, scaly back. She then shakily breathed out a sigh of relief and rubbed her aching behind.

"Idiot human! Do you have a death wish? You have a habit of jumping off cliffs back at your place?" The dragon turned his head back, glaring at her.

Lucy glared back stubbornly, wishing that glares could really shoot daggers. After all she did, he is the one who is mad at her? She should've just let him fall to his death. That little...

"I was worried, you idiot! You're the one who dissapeared. I thought something happened to you.. or that you left me..." She trailed off at the end, her throat getting hoarse from all the screaming just now.

Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes, threatening to fall. She furiously rubbed it away using the back of her palm, not wanting the dragon to notice it. "Stupid, crazy dragon..."

The dragon went silent.

Lucy then curled up herself on it's back, taking in the warmth of his body. Hesitantly and gently, she pressed her palm onto the dragon's back. It was warm. She slowly slid her hands down his back, feeling the rough and scaly skin. Her fingers unconsciously traced patterns on his skin, somehow making herself more sleepy. She felt so, so tired.

"Thanks for not leaving me." She whispered quietly. She didn't want to be left alone again.

The dragon had felt her soft tiny hands gently stroking his back, yet he didn't say anything. In fact, her touch felt... soothing and calm. It was an opposite to his nature. Her touch seemed to do wonders to him as he felt comfortable and better. He didn't want it to stop. But he could tell she was getting more sleepier by the minute.

They had to rest.

A/N: I can't believe I just wrote this in 7 hours. No eating. No rest. Thank God I had coffee... My best friend. Anyway, it wasn't that good, but I hope this is enough. This time I made sure to write as long as I could. Oh the feels!

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