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The moment I got to the race track, I knew I didn't belong here.

I didn't belong with this group of people even if they were my age and interested in the same things I was. But at this particular moment, I knew I didn't belong to this town anymore. I was trying to force myself to fit in where there was no room.

Cynthia pulled me along side her by locking her arm with mine, I cautiously eyed how everyone was dressed as I let Cynthia lead the way. Nearly every girl girl showed more skin then covered it and nearly every guy here was shirtless, I felt bad for them because once the mosquitoes came out . . . They were the bait.

"So what's this annual race?" I ask Cynthia as we take huge steps across the bleachers to the top. I manage to dodge nearly everyone on the way up.

"Basically, it's a race between dirt bikes. You see the track?" She points towards it. I glance over my shoulder to take a quick peek before reaching the top of the bleacher.

"That's where the excitement happens, the dirt bikers compete against each other, racing and performing tricks on the sketchy looking track." This time, I actually take a minute to observe the track itself. There are hills of dirt and mud with ramps and other obstacles I can't quite see.

"So anyways, the grand finale is always different each year. Did I mention the riders are pretty hot too?" Cynthia grins.

My eyebrows knit together in confusion, "I thought you were with my brother?"

"I thought I was too." She said with a shrug. Her response causes, even more, confusion, "Adam said to me that he needed time. He wasn't sure if he was ready to jump into a relationship." Cynthia says softly and suddenly it makes sense to me but I decide to keep my mouth shut and let Adam handle it.

"I don't mind, but I think what bothers me the most was there was no explanation. Nothing."

"Believe me Cyn, it has nothing to do with you. I bet he likes you just as much." I try to sound comforting but I know my words have no affect. I mentally leave a reminder to question Adam when I get home.

Silence settles between us as I turn my focus on the crowd of people around me. I can tell by the sway of some peoples walk that they're already a bit buzzed. I notice nearly everyone has a can of beer or some sort of alcohol beverage sealed in their hands and it's only 7 pm. Some people sit in the back of their trucks and others stand by the track. I'm surprised this place is as crowded as it is. I see a few vaguely familiar faces from years ago but some of them I don't remember or know at all even. I begin to wonder if Jonah is here. Suddenly he becomes the reason why I'm looking over the sea of people.

A group of people makes their way towards us and I eye them suspiciously before realizing they weren't coming to see me, but rather Cynthia who cheerfully waved them over. "Gracie!"

I brush a piece of hair behind my ear and smile when Gracie and the rest of the people trail behind her look at me. I don't recognize the majority of them except for one person. A brunette girl. The same girl who was with Jonah at the ice cream shop, long ago.

The brunette girl looks at me with sharp eyes and gives a non-friendly greeting to Cynthia before whispering something in Gracie's ear before shuffling back down the steps, I watch her push her way through the crowd until I can't see her anymore. 

"Alex, this is Gracie, Tyson, Zachary and Belle." To my surprise, I don't remember any of them and maybe they don't remember me because based on the exchange smiles and what's ups, there seems to be no familiarity from either of us.

Before I can begin to wonder what just happened with the brunette girl taking off the moment her eyes landed on me, cheers abrupt throughout the crowd of people. The race is finally beginning to start.

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