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"So I went to the store right? I go ask the front desk if they have a box of 50 condoms." Dylan faintly grins, almost like he wants to keep it to himself. I watch his eyes go soft while he recalls the memory but manages to keep his attention peeled to the road. His tongue slides over his tinted bottom lip swiftly, he lightly chuckles while merely shaking his head.

"And there was like, four teenage girls behind me who couldn't stop giggling so, I turned around and looked them all in the eyes and said slowly, "Make that fifty-four" 

I scrunch my eyebrows in surprise, taken suddenly by the abrupt turn in the story. Dylan tosses a glance towards me with a raised eyebrow. "Am I supposed to be impressed or what?" I asked tentatively.

"Oh come on Alexandria, it was hilarious!" He said and lets out a howl of laughter, showcasing his all-to-white perfect teeth. A dimple forms on the right side of his cheek, casting him an overall adorable expression over his face. His lips pull back into an easy-going smile.

I cross my arms over my chest, "Why did you need fifty condoms anyways?" I pursue my lips together in a fine line, waiting for him to choke on his words and sweat from the awkwardness. 

"I didn't need them, it was a dare at first but what can I say? It ain't gonna protect itself from STD'S." Dylan shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.

"I got extra large for your information." He playfully winks while adjusting his hands on the steering wheel. 

"Oh my god Dylan, leave that for the bedroom. You perv." I smack him lightly on his shoulder. A short but deep laugh escapes his mouth which makes me want to fight the urge to grin at him.

Dylan eases his elbow onto the compartment in between us. The movement of his arm catches my eye and I can't help but stare at his tattoos a little longer than usual. "So what made you want to get a tattoo?" I ask curiously. There's nothing better than asking the rich boy down the street about himself.

"First one I got was when I was fifteen, it was a rose to signify the beauty of life. I don't know man, I got it recently after my grandmother passed away that year.

"When that woman used to smile, it made you realize how blissful and beautiful life was. That was the kind of vibe my grandma always gave off, not many people have that smile that can lighten your heart." Dylan smiles sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.

A light shade of pink brushes itself across his cheeks, "I used to get made fun of it a lot. I mean, what's so manly about getting a rose inked permanently onto your arm?" 

"Well Dylan Ross, I think its perfect and makes you all the more manly," I comment as a smile sketches itself onto my lips. Dylan glances at me before returning the smile.

"Rose is my middle name so maybe that's why I like your first tattoo," I mention in an attempt to change the subject. 

"Alexandria Rose," Dylan tests out my name before smirking, "It matches you quite well. I always felt like I was more of a Tyler or Bryan kind of guy."

I shake my head, "No. You look and sound like a Dylan to me." I said, disagreeing with him.

 "Wait how does that even work? You can't sound like a name."

"Shhh, I learned to just keep swimming. Go with the flow man," I say, not really answering his question because, in all honesty, I didn't know how either.

"Now you're quoting Finding Nemo. Dork."

"Did you know Dork also means a whale's penis?" I pop an eyebrow.

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