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        When dinner was ready, I was more than happy to immediately eat. Hunger grumbled in my empty stomach as I stepped into the dining room. But my eyes grew slightly bigger than they already were when I saw my brother standing there with his suitcase and backpack by his feet.

        My heart thumps violently against my chest in a wild manner from the sight of him. He's decked out in military pants and plain black tee, his hair sticks out at odd angles, casting a look of adorableness.  Happiness erupts in me like lava, burning with sisterly love and respect for him as a soldier.  

        "Adam!" I gleefully say his name with happiness. A smile stretches across my face as I fastly close  the space between us. I jump onto my tippy toes and wrap my arms around my brother in a tight hug. As I hug him, I take a note of how fragile my slim body is compared to his bulky and broad frame. Muscle flexes in his arms as he swiftly wraps his arms around my waist. A strong whiff of cologne enter my nose and I can’t help but grin.

        A few months earlier, my 19 year old brother left to go train in the military force. When he had first announced this news to us, we all had different reactions. My father was gleaming with joy, my mother was cloudy with worry and I, who was surprised.  It was a big decision for him but it was a decision that made him happy. If this is what Adam wanted, as a family we gave him love and support. Now, a vibe of proudness sweeps through me.

        Adam let's go of me with traces of happiness sketched on his face. His brown eyes twinkle with joy to be home. "Aren't you quite the shorty?" He asks with a hint of sarcasm.

        "I'm not short, you're just a giant." I state aloud, earning a small laugh from my mother. Adam grins and ruffles my hair. "Whatever helps you sleep at night 'Dria." My face goes blank for a second, unable to register the insult he just tossed at me. When Adam hunches over in a fit of laughter is when I get it. A moment of realization mixed with stupidity washes over me.

        "You suck." I pout and turn on my heels to the table. "That's your sisters way of saying she loves you Adam," our mother answers for him. I roll my eyes but I don’t deny it.  Than suddenly, my ears are filled with the sound of laughter from both my brother and mother combined.

       We sit together at the table, breathing in our food as though its the only way we'll survive. Okay, well maybe that's just me but that's not the point. The point is we're together and that's what is most important to me. I sneak a glance at my brother who’s already looking at me.

        “What?” I ask nonchalantly. Adam shrugs, “Nothing, you just look, different.” he answers with a cautious tone. I smirk, “Mom didn’t tell you? I got plastic nose surgery!” I say calmly.

        I burst into laughter at the sight of my brother, who stares at me with shock. He slowly shakes his head in disbelief. “I don’t believe you.” Adam says in response, “there’s nothing to believe, I was joking.” I say, slowly gaining my breath back.

        I glance at our mother whose shaking her head, amused. “I can’t believe you guys are my kids,” my mom says quietly and a grin breaks onto both my face and Adam’s.

        "How is the sweet life of Adam?" My mom perks up between forkfuls of peas. Adam shakes his head, “It’s been great, it took a while for me to break into routine..” he admits. A light blush creeps up his neck. I struggle to hide my smile as I remember the days Adam would not do so much as putting his laundry in the basket.

        “Anything crazy happen?” I ask aloud while grabbing my glass cup. His fact tightens a notch and his eyes focus on the table. His mouth forms a small frown as he lets out a short sigh, while collecting his thoughts. I almost feel like I asked the wrong question. The rim of the glass touch my mouth, a stream of cool water takes away the sudden dryness.

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