Chapter Two: -(Katie)-'Oh he's cute'

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Chapter Two: 'Oh he's cute'



So I just wanted to say that every other chapter is going to be written by the other person. And that every other chapter is the other sister. Like chapter 1 was Megan. Chapter 2 is Katie. and so forth. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. And vote and comment! 



Chapter two: 'Oh he's cute'

I had said 'thanks' and took my key card.

As we headed to the elevator Megan said "Wait, I forgot my sunglasses." and turned back towards the front desk.

"I'll hold the elevator." I told her.

"Thanks." She said and left.

As she walked away, I noticed a cute guy walking this way.

'Oh he's so cute' I thought. If she doesn't come back in like two seconds, I'm not holding it for her.

And plus, I'd rather be in here with him anyways.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I smiled at him.

At that point, the elevator dinged and opened the doors.

We walked in and he hit the button for his floor.

"What floor?" He asked.

"Oh, uh four." I said then looked to see if Megan was coming yet.

Nope. To bad for her. I had thought. Then the doors closed.

We started to go up, but then it stopped.

What the?

"Weird." He said.

"Yeah." I agreed.

I looked to see what floor we stopped at. Not even two yet. It still says one, with the little arrow pointing up. 

Standing there, I stared at him. He looks familiar.

Then it hit me. 'It can't be... can it?'

"What's your name?" I asked him.


Eekk! 'It is!'

"Your's?" He asked.

"Katie." I said smiling. And he smiled back.

The lights started to flicker. Creepy, I thought.

"Ahh." I squealed. The lights turned completely off.


This is not happening!

"Do something." I told him.

"Like what?"

"Isn't there a emergency button? Push it."

"Okay, okay. But I can't see it."

Right. I pulled out my phone. I hit the hold button.

Damn. It's dead.

"Damn, my phones dead. Use your's."

"Right." I heard shuffling. Then his face lit up.

At least his works.

"Uh, there it is." He said. More to him self really.

He hit the button. Nothing. Do you usually have to wait that long for them to reply?

"Why is it taking so long?" I asked. Though I wasn't really expecting an answer.

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