Chapter Twenty Five

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We made it to the campus faster than expected. The whole ride there I felt Harry watching me. I wasn't doing anything special I was just humming to the music and playing with my hair. We got out the car and the first face I saw was Risto. He had two black eyes and a broken nose. There were also butterfly bandages coating his face. I knew Harry noticed him too because he suddenly tensed and wrapped both arms around my waist. I just stared at him in shock at how much damage he did to his face. Meanwhile all Harry had was a few cuts on his knuckles.
" should apologize to him...." I say unsure of his reaction to it. He immediately let my waist go and walked directly to Risto. At first I thought he was going to fight him again but he glanced back at me and shoved his hands in his pockets. I sat back in awe at the awkward conversation that was taking place between the two men. I guess they were done talking because the next thing I know is Harry is walking back towards me. He doesn't look happy which leads me to believe the conversation went south.
"What? What did he say?" I ask confused while trying to catch up to Harry's long strides. Not once did he look my way, he just kept the same hard expression.
"Don't worry about it. I apologized.....kind of. Let's just get your things and go....." He said finally looking my way. I quickly nodded and sure enough we were in the athletic building in no time. He looked as if he was reluctant to let me go inside on my own when I suggested he wait outside for me.
"No, I'm coming with you...." He said grabbing my arm toughly and walking towards the door.
"Harry......seriously. I'm not a little kid I can take care of myself. I've done it my whole life." I say disconnecting my arm from his grip. He turned completely towards me, his height dominating over mine.
"It.....doesn't.........feel just leave you alone." He stated looking down at the floor.
"Harry, I'll be back in like three minutes. It's fine, I don't have that much bad luck.." I say giving him a little smile and walking around him. I was halfway down the hall she I heard him yell," If you're not back in three minutes I'm coming for you!!" I rolled my eyes and continued on to the girl locker room. As soon as I entered I jogged to my locker and collected my phone and clothes as well as my bag. On the way out I bumped into the girl that held me back during Harry's fight.
"Hey!" We both said at the same time. She had the most friendly face that I had ever seen. Her brown eyes were big and round on her face, her nose was perfectly curved with a slight point, her hair was a golden brown and came down just below her rib cage. Overall she looked like a Disney fairy. I kept expecting her to fly away.
"About the other day....." I started but she quickly cut me off.
"It was nothing. You needed help. Your boyfriend wasn't backing down and wanted you somewhere safe away from the fight. I actually was planning on saying hi in the gym but Risto carried you out and so I followed." She explained and the smile never leaving her lips.
"Thank you so much. I can honestly say that Harry is grateful for you." I said giving her a hug.
"I'm Magaly Rios by the way....." She said extending her hand. I took it and introduced myself.
"So. Harry Styles is your boyfriend......that's pretty crazy." She stated with a laugh.
"Well not my boyfriend. I only just met him like last week at a party. Things threatening and he rescued me. I kind of only thinks he is still around because he feels I'm incapable of staying out of harms way...."
"So he's your over protective....NON- boyfriend....? Well if it matters he obviously cares for you. I mean the look in his eye yesterday when you passed out completely freaked me out. I've never seen Harry act that way...."
"Oh you know Harry..." I say with a smidge of jealousy.
"Everyone knows Harry freaking Styles. He has been the city bad ass since high school. Until yesterday I thought all he cared about was sex and partying..... "
"Really?? I mean he told me he was wild but not that he had this big reputation. He doesn't seem too bad. He does have mood swings though. Sometimes I wanna punch him in the throat other times I wanna wash my face with his....." I say surprising myself with how honest I'm being with a practical stranger. I can just tell that she is a really whole hearted person that I wanna keep around. She quirked and eyebrow up at me with a gigantic smile on her face.
"Yeah that's what a crush is, Bae. Now I have to do my role as you friend and get you guys together!! Oh, I can see it now...... DERRY!!" She said while jumping up and down giggling.
"Whoa.... Crush? No. No way come on. There's no way we'd end up together. Have you seen him! He has an accent for gods sake's and -"
"DELIA! IT'S BEEN THREE MINUTES AND THIRTY TWO SECONDS!" I turned immediately on my heel to find Harry storming down the hallway furious. I turn back to her and see her give me a little wink right before Harry joins us.
"Harry, this is Magaly. She was at the fight remember?" I said trying to distract him from his anger towards me. He didn't even acknowledge her presence.
"What took you so long? Why cant you just listen to what I tell you. I should've came with you. Something could've happened......" He said still boiling hot. At that moment Magaly chose to speak up.
"Harold! Hi, Magaly. Anyway she was with me the entire time. We were talking about girly things like rainbows and crushes. Your Delia is fine." She said with a mischievous smile on her face. I immediately froze when she said crushes and so did Harry. He spun around quick to look me in the eyes. I looked towards Magaly and she was gone. I knew she was up to something! I looked back at Harry who was burning a hop through me.
"Crushes?! You have a crush on someone? Who is it? I'm just......curious.." He rambled.
"Can we go? I'm kind of excited about today." I said avoiding his questions. I practically ran back to his car and avoided his questions the whole car ride to the place he was taking me that he wouldn't tell me.

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