Chapter 8: Forgotten Promise

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Hey guys! Sorry if Sakura always gets an amnesia.. I just can't think of anything xD By the way, here's chapter 8. Hope you like it~

Kakashi woke up early. He took a shower, ate breakfast, brush his teeth and fixed his hair and clothes. Then he went outside and locked his apartment. He decided to visit Sakura but he was scared beacause Sakura's returned memories. He thought that Sakura forgot everything that happened when she doesn't remember him. Also he thought that she already forgot the promise they said to each other. He was also scared that if he went there, Sakura might ask him many question about what happened. He can't answer it. So the sad face of his can't be remove even by his bestfriend/rival Gai. He went to Obito and Rin's grave

Kakashi: Hey, Obito how are you? You too Rin? Umm.. hey Obito, what will you feel if the one you love forget all her memories? After that many things will happen like confessing to her.. then her memories will suddenly return? Will you feel sad like I am now? Well I feel like stupid here. If I just said to her that I'm not her boyfriend.. this would not happen. I wish you two are here so you could help me... Well I should go now... See You...

Then while walking, Gai appeared

Gai: Yo Kakashi! Let's have a battle!
Kakashi: Not now Gai
Gai: But...
Kakashi: Please... just leave me alone just for now..
Gai: O-okay..(Kakashi... I know what you feel... that's because you couldn't save the one you love again..)

Then Kakashi tried to talk to Sakura who was already discharge in the hospital and walking on the streets.

Kakashi: Umm... Sakura...
Sakura: Hmm? Oh! Kakashi-sensei! Why?
Kakashi: I... I want to talk to you..
Sakura: Hmm? Sure...

They went to the training grounds

Kakashi: Umm... Sakura.. do you remember our promise?
Sakura: Huh? What promise?
Kakashi: What about the first time I treat you at Ichiraku Ramen?
Sakura: What? I don't remember..
Kakashi: Ah.. is that so..
Sakura: What? Did something happened?
Kakashi: Nope..Nothing... Nevermind
Sakura: What is it sensei?
Kakashi: What?
Sakura: There's something you want to say to me but you can't, right? I can feel it..
Kakashi: Yeah, but I decided that you don't really need to know about it
Sakura: Why Sensei? Please tell me why..
Kakashi: I can't..
Sakura: Please tell me.. That something, the promise, the first time you treat me.. please tell me...
Kakashi: I thought I can.. but I really can't
Sakura: Why?
Kakashi: Because you will stay away to me..
Sakura: Baka... I will never stay away from you Kakashi... I remembered now... I promised that I'll never stay away from you.. Kakashi... My boyfriend that promised to me that he will always stay with me, not leave me, protect me and will always love me.. How can I forget that.. *smile*

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