Chapter 5 - Jealously

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~Here's chapter 5. Hope you like it! ~

The sun is starting to set. Sakura ask Yamato to walk her to the hospital. They didn't know that Kakashi is watching them from the hokage house roof. This made kakashi's heart really broken. Then Kakashi ask himself...

Kakashi: Why am I doing this? Ah! I don't kno-... Don't tell me... maybe I am.... No way!!

Then Kakashi left the roof and went to his apartment and he fell asleep. After a few minutes, the bell rang and that woke him.

Kakashi: Who's that?

*It's us Kakashi!*

Kakashi: Sakura?! Yamato?! Tsss! Leave me alone!
Sakura: I guess let's just leave him alone.... let's eat Ichiraku Ramen. Your treat Captain Yamato

Kakashi heard that then he hurriedly open the door.

Kakashi: Wait! I'm coming with you two!
Sakura: You said that we leave you alone!
Kakashi: Yeah, but now I'm coming! *grab Sakura's arm*
Sakura: Ouch! Let go of my arm Kakashi! It hurts!
Yamato: Senpai! Sakura's arm-
Kakashi: Stay here Yamato..

Kakashi carried Sakura bridal style and they went to the training grounds. It's dark there.

Sakura: What is your problem Kakashi!!?
Kakashi: My problem is that you never talk to me starting that they and you always ask Yamato to walk you!!
Sakura: So what!?
Kakashi: It's just... I want you to stay away from Yamato....
Sakura: What?! Don't you know this fight started because of you?! If you just went to Tsunade-sama that day.. We can eat ramen together! That's why I just asked Captain Yamato to walk me there!
Kakashi: Then why?!! Why do you always ask Yamato to walk you?! Why don't you just ask me?!
Sakura: Kakashi! What's happening to you?! You shouted to your friend!!
Kakashi: You.... you like him don't you.... *look down*
Sakura: What??! I don't like him!
Kakashi: Please Sakura.... please stay away from him....
Sakura: Why?

They're not shouting anymore they lean on a tree...

Kakashi: I don't know what's happening to me.. It's just I feel lke my heart will gonna break
Sakura: Maybe you are... Jealous??
Kakashi: I don't love you but why am I like this? I can't see you with other boys together that long. It really makes my heart break
Sakura: Why didn't you tell me sooner? If I just know that you're jealous to Captain Yamato then I maybe follow you to the hokage office
Kakashi: I'm really sorry Sakura.. I really just... can't take it...
Sakura: You feel jealous to other boys because you are my boyfriend right? *smile* It can happen when you love that person that means you love me *Smile*
Kakashi: Well, I guess that's it...
Sakura: Then tell me that you love me.. *smile*
Kakashi: What?!
Sakura: Or else I'll say it to Captain Yamato
Kakashi: Stop! Don't!..... Fine! I'll say it! I-I.....ummm.... I... Sakura *blush*
Sakura: What?
Kakashi: No way!
Sakura: Just Kidding
Kakashi: Let's go home, It's getting darker...
Sakura: Okay
Kakashi: This time, I'll be the one to walk you home *smile*

The two went home. Kakashi also apologize to Yamato. Few weeks passed, Sakura still can't remember Kakashi. The next morning, Kakashi woke up early and went to Ino and buy flowers. Luckily, Ino wasn't there so she aren't nervous. Then after he bought 3 flowers and a boquet, he stopped at Sakura's house.

Kakashi: Sakura?
Sakura: Yess! I'm coming!

They left and went to Obito's grave

Sakura: Who will you give the last one?
Kakashi: Oh this? It's for you
Sakura: Arigatō Kakashi
After that they left and they walk together. After a few hours, Tsunade called them.

*Knock Knock*

Tsunade: Come in!
Kakashi and Sakura came in the office
Tsunade: Your mission is to bring this supplies at the Great Naruto Bridge
Kakashi: I understand
Sakura: Is it safe there?
Kakashi : Of course! There's nothing to worry about
Tsunade: Kakashi's right. Now dismissed!

Then Kakashi and Sakura left the leaf village and while jumping on the trees, Kakashi noticed that Sakura was slowing down. So Kakashi stopped. But Sakura said she's alright so they continue to jump on trees. Then...

Kakashi: SAKURA!!

Sakura fell down. Thank God Kakashi caught her.

Sakura: Arigatō Kakashi
Kakashi: Are you alright?
Sakura: yeah..
Kakashi: You're hot!
Sakura: Yeah... before we left the village I drank my medicine. I thought it would be gone but.. My head just started to hurt again...
Kakashi: What?! Why don't you put medical ninjutsu?
Sakura: I can't.. It's not working. It still hurt..
Kakashi: I'll carry you. We'll take the things to the bridge then I'll bring you to the hospital.
Sakura: Okay..

Then a few minutes later, they manage to deliver the things but rouge ninjas appeared while they going back to Konoha.

Kakashi: Just wait here Sakura. You can't fight.
Sakura: But you can't defeat them
Kakashi: I can do it! Trust me
Sakura: Okay.. Be careful Kakashi..
Kakashi: yeah.. I'll be back I promise!

After a few hours Kakashi defeated 5 rouge ninjas so there are only 3 left but because the rouge ninjas are strong, Kakashi is already tired..

Sakura: Kakashi...

After a few minutes Kakashi defeated the 2 ninjas. He overused the mangekyo sharingan but there is still one rouge ninja left

Kakashi: What?!

The rouge ninja was fast to put a sword through Kakashi. Sakura immediately went to see Kakashi. She was very surprised to see Kakashi lying on the ground
Sakura: Kakashi!
Because of that the rouge ninja saw Sakura and that way Kakashi used his remaining strength to chidori the rouge ninja. When the rouge ninja was defeated Sakura immediately run towards Kakashi

Sakura: Kakashi!!
Kakashi: A-are y-you a-alright.. Sa...kura?
Sakura: Hai! Don't talk Kakashi! I'll heal you.

Sakura perform medical ninjutsu on Kakashi so his wounds are healed. But Sakura fainted. The back up Hinata and Naruto were late but they saw the two and bring them back at Konoha hospital immediately.
The next morning Kakashi didn't need to stay at the hospital because he's already healed. Sakura who fainted need to stay. Then while Kakashi was reading his favorite book and he's sitting beside Sakura, Sakura woke up and everything is really different.

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