Chapter 2 - Meeting

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After a long search, Kakashi found them in Ninja Academy.

Sakura: Naruto! 
Naruto: Ah! Sakura-chan! Hurry up will you?!
Sakura: *punches Naruto* BAKA! I can't move because my feet hurts. Kakashi-sensei said he'll help me so here I am
Naruto : Ehh....*looking at Kakashi*
Kakashi: What is it, Naruto?
Naruto: Nothing, I just noticed that you two are always together and you always help each other. Why is that?

Because of Naruto's question Sakura blush

Kakashi: Ah.. I ummm... It's because..... you know that I always help people right?
Sakura: Yeah, don't worry Naruto.. It's not what you think

Sakura's answer made Kakashi stare to her

Sakura: What?
Kakashi: *smile* Nothing
Sakura: Really?
Kakashi: Yeah, It's nothing I promise... Anyway what about you Naruto>
Naruto: Huh? What about me?
Kakashi: After the war, you and Hinata become reaally close.. why is that? *smirk*

That made Hinata and Naruto blush

Naruto: AH! Umm... It's because I don't talk to her that much and she also saved me when I fought with Pain
Kakashi: Reaally? *teasing*

While Naruto and Kakashi are teasing each other, Sakura whisper to Kakashi

Sakura: Kakashi-sensei, could you put me down beside Hinata? I'll heal her arm..
Kakashi: Hm? Okay..

But this makes Naruto angry because they're so close to each other. Then when Kakashi put Sakura beside Hinata, Sakura start healing her.

Kakashi: While you're healing her, Naruto and I will make a plan
Sakura: Hai..

Then Kakashi went to Naruto. They start discussing about the plan. After some few minutes..

Kakashi: Did you understand?
Naruto: Yeah..
Kakashi: You tell Hinata about the plan and what to do.
Naruto: Haii.. 

Then Naruto tell Hinata about the plan. Sakura who finished healing Hinata's arm was told by Kakashi about the plan.  Then they start moving but Kakashi notice that Sakura's feet still hurts so Kakashi put his hand on Sakura's shoulder.  Sakura was surprised.  She look up and she saw Kakashi smiling to her.

Kakashi: Don't worry I'll be there if you need help *smile*
Sakura: *smile* Thank you Kakashi-Sensei

After a few minutes they left the Academy and went at the entrance. They saw the rouge ninjas so they start the plan.

PLAN: Kakashi will put the rouge ninjas on genjutsu then Hinata and Naruto will go to the top of the Hokage Stone Faces then Sakura and Kakashi will follow Naruto and Hinata.

After that the plan succeed but while Kakashi and Sakura were following Naruto and Hinata, Sakura noticed that they stop in front of the hokage tower and they were surprise.Their eyes were wide as well as Hinata. They are looking at the stone faces and when Kakashi and Sakura also look there, they were also surprise.  That was the place the transparent box were placed. All their friends are inside this transparent box even the other senseis.  Because of this Naruto become angry.

Naruto: WHHYY?! Even Shikamaru was caught?! They are all strong, then why?!
Kakashi: Even the other senseis...even Gai??!
Sakura: Ino!? Sai?! Lee?! Tenten?! Choji?!
Hinata: Kiba-kun?! Shino-kun?!

Then the rouge ninjas suddenly appear

Rouge Ninja: It's because we are strong *evil smile*
Naruto: What?! *angry*
Kakashi: Wait Naruto! Shikamaru was caught even the other jounins that means they're really strong
Sakura: What do you want?!
RN: We just want to test our skills but now we know that we become stronger

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