Chapter 9: Still Remember

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Kakashi's eyes grew wide. He can't move because of what Sakura said. Then...

Sakura: Don't worry Kakashi, I'll never forget that promise *smile*
Kakashi: You're kidding..right?
Sakura: No.. why would I?
Kakashi: Then prove it!
Sakura: Sure! Also please close your eyes
Kakashi: O-okay...

Then Kakashi felt that his forehead protector was removed by Sakura... then she kissed him on the forehead..
Kakashi was really surprised. He can't believe it.. That was really the Sakura that was with him when she can't remember him... Her Sakura...

Sakura: You can now open your eyes.. sensei..
Kakashi: Y-yeeah...*blush*
Sakura: Do you believe me now?
Kakashi: Yeah.. but could you drop the sensei when you're talking to me? Just call me sensei if we're on a mission or if your friends are around.
Sakura: Okay..

Then Sakura grab Kakashi's arm, Kakashi was really surprised and he's turning red

Sakura: You're turning red Kakashi
Kakashi: I'm not...
Sakura: Are you sure? (teasing)
Kakashi: Yeah.. I'm sure..*turning red*
Sakura: Whatever (teasing)
Kakashi: Stop teasing me will you Sakura? *blush*
Sakura: Sure! But treat me first
Kakashi: What?! Fine!
Sakura: Thanks Kakashi
Kakashi: Let's go

They both left the training grounds. When they entered the ramen shop they saw Naruto, Hinata and Haru eating

Sakura: Naruto! Hinata!
Naruto: Sakura-chan?! Did you remember us now and Kakashi-sensei?
Sakura: Yeah.. who's that girl?
Hinata: That's Haru. We're her Sister and Brother
Kakashi: You three look like a family
Hinata/Naruto: What?!
Naruto: Kakashi-sensei! *blushing*
Kakashi: Sorry, sorry *smile*
Sakura: Kakashi-sensei, lets order
Kakashi: Yeah..

After a few minutes, they all left the ramen shop. Naruto walk Hinata and Haru home.

Hinata: Arigato Naruto-kun, Goodnight *blush*
Naruto: Yeah.. goodnight.. see you tomorrow. I'll walk Haru to the hospital
Hinata: Okay, Byebye Haru.. Be careful Naruto-kun *blush*
Naruto: Yeah! See yah!

Then Naruto walk Haru back at the hospital and he went back to his house. Kakashi also walk Sakura home...

Kakashi: Goodnight Sakura... *hug*
Sakura: Goodnight Kakashi... *kisses cheek*
Kakashi: See you.. *blushing*
Sakura: See yah... *wave*

Then Kakashi went back to his home.

(Hi Guys! Did you like it? I'm writing a One shot also KakaSaku and NaruHina and it's coming soon haha just wait for it ~^O^~ Thanks for reading.. I hope you like the next chapters)

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