Chapter 7: Missing Girl

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Here's chapter 7~ Hope you like it!

When Naruto was searching for Hinata, he saw a girl. He thought it was Hinata but it was not.
Naruto: Hinata?
Girl: Who are you?
Naruto: Ah! Sorry I thought you were Hinata. I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I'm from Konoha
Girl: Hinata?
Naruto: She's my.. uhm.. *blushing* Bestfriend! She's kind, good, nice.. anyway, what's your name?
Girl: Name? I don't have a name
Naruto: Everyone has a name. Why don't you have a name?
Girl: I don't have a family and relatives. My mother hate me that's why she didn't name me.. my father only thinks about work
Naruto: Why not go to them now and ask them your name?
Girl: I can't..
Naruto: Why?
Girl: Because.. they both died.. KIA
Naruto: KIA?
Then Hinata suddenly appeared
Hinata: Killed In Action..
Naruto: Hinata!
Girl: *crying*
Naruto: Why are you crying?
Girl: I-I wish.. I can be your friend... because I feel like it's happy being with you two..
Hinata sat beside the girl
Hinata: I can be your mom..
Girl: Really?!
Naruto: *blushing* T-then.. I'll be you dad!
Girl: *crying* Thank you! Mom and Dad!
Naruto: Now stop crying okay..
Hinata: Naruto-kun, why don't we name her?
Naruto: Sure! Hmmm... Haru..what do you think?b
Hinata: It's nice! Now your name is Haru!
Haru: I'm Haru.. Thank you Mom and Dad!
Then Temari and Gaara saw them
Temari: You look like a family
This makes Hinata become red
Gaara: Naruto, you can keep that girl and bring her to Konoha
Naruto: Really?! Thanks Gaara
Hinata: We should leave now before it gets dark
Naruto: Yeah.. That's right! Let's go Haru! I'll carry you on my back
Then Haru climbed on Naruto's back
Naruto: Well, I guess we should leave now, Bye Gaara, Take care.. call me if you need help. Thanks for everything. You too Temari and that makeup boy too. See ya!
Hinata: Thanks for everything, Gaara kun and Temari san and also to Kankuro san, Bye!

Then after a few minutes while jumping on trees...

Naruto: Haru is sleeping, could you carry her Hinata?
Hinata: Y-yeah...*carry Haru*

After few hours, they arrived at Konoha. They went to Tsunade first


Tsunade: Come in!

Naruto and Hinata entered

Tsunade: Oh! You found her.. She'll be staying at the hospital
Naruto: Oh... Her name is Haru by the way...
Tsunade: Ah, I see.. You can bring her to the hospital now... also you two can take a day off for 3 days...

Naruto/Hinata: Hai! Arigato Tsunade-baachan! (Naruto)

They walked Haru to the hospital but they stopped on Ichiraku Ramen. After they ate ramen, they brought Haru at her room in the hospital.

Naruto: Haru, This is your room. We'll visit you again tomorrow, 'kay? Goodnight~
Hinata: Goodnight Haru...
Haru: Goodnight Neechan, Niichan... See you tomorrow..

Then Naruto and Hinata left. Naruto walk Hinata home and after that he went back to his home.

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