A Whole New World

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First day of school never be like the commercials... and I mean never... Some of us wake up that Monday morning, and try to go right back to sleep. I know I don't like Monday's. Other's go last minute shopping begging for new EVERYTHING which Is ironic, because In reality school is for learning not a fashion show. I wish you'd keep that in mind guys and gals. You don't see teenagers singing and dancing outside of school all over the place showing off their clothes and backpacks, so don't expect that to happen when you go to school. What you will see whether your still in elementary, junior high, or highschool are those "group's". The group's I'm talking about is apperantley where you are suppose to "fit" in. Im just going to break It down to you with a list of all the stereo types I can just think of from the top of my head, I know that get picked on the most. The one's who raise their hand alot, people who need more time to learn things, cutters, people with no friends, speak different languages and even people in the school band. Let me just say why do we make up all this nonsense to divived us? All I ask of you is spend time to know one another, before you pass judgement. Is that to much to ask?

"What's on your mind Asia, because your making that face?" Jeremy said as we were passing a stop sign.

"What face?" I asked pushing the cross walk button.

"That face!" He said mocking me.

"I am not." I said rolling my eyes

"Are too!" Jeremy said starring harder at my face.

"So...just leave me alone-" I said getting cut off by Jeremy.


" what don't you understand? Leave me alone...just stop DOGGING ME AROUND!" I said putting my hand in his face.

I can't believe how he manages to erk my nerves on the first day of school. Who does that? Oh wait, Jeremy does... well if I'm not feeling any better by lunch time guess who won't be sitting with me. You've guess it! All this time I was talking to myself I didn't care where I was headed, and this time I went some place to familar. I found myself standing at the porch of Smiles house in astonishment. What's even weirder I had the urge to ring the door bell.

"Uh..." I said a little embarrassed.

"I thought we were going to school Asia...why did you stop here?"

"It must've slipped my mind. I honestly don't remember walking this way. Why didn't you stop me?"

"First of all, you were still mad at me for messing around with you. Second of all, as we were walking all you could do was talk about Smiles nonstop. Half of the things you said were new news to me."

"Smiles? Okay wait...what was I saying?"

*Flash back*

"Can It be I stayed away to long? Did I leave your mind when I was gone? Boy oh boy Smiles...I wish I could come back. I love how every day just the two of us could "relax". You don't have to worry, because I'm coming...back to where I should have always stayed. I wanna be where you are...ooh I wanna be where you are...ooh I wanna be where you are...ooh I wanna be where...ooh yeah..."

*Flash back ended*

"Foreal I said that?"

"Yes and the rest I left out, bec-"

"Because what?" I said interrupting him.

"It's was to inappropriate to say." He laughed.

"Omg..." I said hiding my face.

"It's okay I enjoyed listening though." He winked.

*Shaking my head*

"Let's get going though...I've seen enough of this guy Smiles for a life time. I don't know why I would've said all that."

Are You Scared Yet? Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now