Secrets & Lies

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*That morning*

I felt like I was glowing. No one or anything could bring me down, except breakfast.

*At the table*

"Good morning mother." I smiled.

"Good morning daughter." She smiled handing me a cereal box.

"Good morning father." I said while grabbing the gallon of milk out of the refrigerator.

"Good morning daughter." He said while placing down a bowl and a spoon next to me.

"What's made you in such a good mood this morning?" Mother asked in a suspicious tone.

"Oh nothing." I lied.

"If I am not mistaken, I would think you had a boyfriend." She laughed as she sat down.

"Mother!" I said embarrassed.

She knew I liked Jeremy, but that's girl talk.

"Well?" Father said putting down his newspaper.

He looked a bit serious.

"I don't." I smiled down at my cereal.

Then we all ate breakfast, and talked about what we planned to do today.

"Since I don't have school today I'm going to take advantage, and hangout with Jeremy not at the movie theaters." I said looking at my mother.

"You know I have to mess with you. Of course you can go with Jeremy just be home before the street lights. I'm running down to the market later so I'll be seeing you two later."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said hugging her tightly.

"Your welcome." She said snorting.

It's because she has allergies.

"Also here's some spending money." Father said handing me $50.

My goodness, does he know it doesn't cost that much for the movie's?

"Thanks dad." I said giving him a high five.

"Oh I guess it's my turn isn't it?" Father said.

*Both us nodded*

"I'm going away on a buisness trip. I don't know how long, but when I get back I promise I'll have souvenirs."

"Where are you going?" I asked munching.

He works with people like the M.I.B ( Men In Black ).

"Can you keep a secret?" He smiled.


"I'm going to Area 51."

*Spoon drops*

"Really omg take pictures... when no one's watching."

"I got it all covered." He said showing me his hidden cameras in his black socks, his glasses that can take pictures, and other spy ware he bought.

My dad and I have alot in common. We both believe in aliens and all that cool stuff. That's why he inspires me to take on the same job he has, when I grow up.

"Impressive." I said washing out my bowl and spoon. "I'm going to go change out of my pajamas see you guys later."

*In my room*

"What am I going to wear? I said shuffling through my closet.

I looked at what I had for dress up occasions alot of pantyhose, leggings, church shoes, argyle sweaters and ect.

Are You Scared Yet? Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now