Open your eyes

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Laura's pov

He was shaking my hands, I felt his tear drops on my arm. "Baby please wake up!"

I was awake Ross, I am.. But I can't open my eyes or even move an inch.. And it's scaring me.

"Baby please give me a sign, that you're okay.. I miss you.." And with that, with no strength with no force, my eyes opened.

"Open your eyes.." He said, his face in my hand.

I gripped my hand around his and he immediately looked up at me.

"OH MY- DOCTOR, NURSE SOMEBODY PLEASE!" He started screaming, my eyes were so tired. I know, I was in a coma for 6 months, how could I be tired?

"baby stay with me, keep your eyes open, hold my hand. Laura stay with me. I love you so much oh my gosh, don't leave me again. Please!" And he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my my hand softly.

"I-I-I'm not g-going again." I managed to speak.

"Y-your voice.. I haven't heard in forever." He smiled in shock.

"I love you." I said, he smiled and nodded, "I love you too."

Just then doctors and nurses come piling into the room, "We're so sorry we didn't come earlier." And they started to check on me.

"Sir can you wait outside, once we're done we'll allow you back in." They told Ross, Ross looked at me and kissed my forehead gently before leaving the room.

Ross' pov:

h-her eyes opened, after six months she came back to me, after six months or hell she's back, like always, to save the day.

Fuck I've missed her. I better call Parker, as I dialled his number, he started to call me.

Hey what's up? How's Laura? Are you still at the hospita-

She's awake Parker. She woke up.

Y-You're kidding Ross, that's one fucking sick joke-

I have to go see her again. Come as quick as you can. I bet she wants to see you. Bye

"Sir go on inside, she'd like your company." The nurse smiled at me.

"U-Um before I do... How is she? Like is there anything to be concerned about?" I asked.

"When she was brought into the hospital she was awake just passed out, we had time to do surgery for her broken rib cage and shoulder, we lost her at the end of the operation so no, Laura has already healed up and she's fine. At the moment, she's a little woozy, she just woke up after six months, she missed out on life. It's your job to help her." She smiled at me.

"Thank you. You don't have to worry about a single thing when she's with me. I'll take good care of her, I love her."

"I know." She smiled and walked away.

I then turned to her room, walking inside to see her sitting up in the bed, eating. Nothing fancy or special, fucking hospital food. Who wants to eat hospital food when you-

Oh! I walked over to her and she smiled, I took her tray of shit and she looked at me like I was crazy. I opened the mini fridge she had in her room and took out the bow tie pasta with her favourite sauce from Italy. I only put that in the fridge yesterday morning.

She sighed as I placed that in front of her instead. "Thank you." She said, before starting to eat it.

"How are you feeling?" I asked sitting at the edge of her bed.

"Hmm, I feel gross, lazy, sad, happy and disbelief."

"And do you want to give me reasons to behind those emotions?" I chuckled watching her chug down the pasta that she loves.

"I feel gross because I've been in this hospital for six months and I need to shower. I feel lazy because I haven't walked in six months, I'm happy I'm alive, I'm sad I don't know what's going on in the world, but I'm in disbelief because of you." She said.

"Me?" I asked, pointing at myself.

She nodded, "You. You're here. After six months. You waited. You're still here. Why Ross?"

"I'm here because I love and care about you more than I can put in words Laura. And for the first time in a long time, I was scared, I was so scared I cried, I didn't want to lose you, I couldn't lose you. I had hope you'd wake up. Sure it took six months but you're here now. And I love you to death. I'm the one in disbelief." And I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I don't think I've ever felt anything like this in my stomach before. But all I can say is thank you, and I love you more than you could ever think." She said her eyes glistening.

"May I?" I asked, referring to a kiss.

She nodded, I smiled and placed a soft on her lips.

"It's like I don't even know you anymore.. But I know everything about you at the same time." She said..

"Well it's gonna take time Laura." I chuckled gently dragging my fingers across her arm. "It's been six fucking months."

She nodded, "So where do we live, what's going on with us?" She asked.

"Well I live in an apartment building with Parker, not the same room just in the same building. We've gotten a lot closer since your accident." I told her.

"Wait, what about my parents?" She asked.

"Well they hate me and haven't come to see you.. At all... I'm so sorry.." I managed to say.

"Fuck them. They aren't parents." She rolled her eyes. I wasn't going to tell her that they love her because they didn't. They didn't care what happen to Laura. But I am going to tell her that they're her parents and I and Parker love her.

"I had the craziest dream while I was in that coma." She sighed.

"Well you can tell me all about it when we get out of here." I smiled at her.

"And when will that be exactly?" She chuckled.

"I'm not sure. But I will ask." I chuckled kissing her cheek. "Hopefully it's soon."

She nodded. "Really soon."


I am so sorry for not updating as much 😫 but I'm back! 💁🏻😎😊

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