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Catherine's P.O.V
one month later

It was finally time to go. I had everything I needed for the flight also my 1D bracelets that I would never forget to take. I had all my bags prepeared and I was ready to leave.  I mean I will miss everyone here but I feel like this is an experience I will never forget.

I made my way downstairs with my carry-on that had in my supplies for the airport and plane. As soon as I got to the last step of the stair case, my mom came running and hugged me tightly.

"m-om I n-eed ai-r" I said running out of breath because of how hard she was hugging me.

"oh I'm sorry dear but this will probably be the last hug I will give you in months" my mom told me tearing up a little. "Oh mom! don't cry! I promise I will FaceTime or Skype you whenever I have time" I told her trying my best to cheer her up. "And we can text or call anytime, I will have my phone with me always." "If that's the only way we can connect I guess I'll tell Ari or Asher to teach me how to use them" she told me and we both laughed.

Well maybe I will miss them more than I thought. After hugging and talking a little with mom, I got attacked by two little guys. Bella and Ben. I hugged them tightly and told them I will miss them as well.

"we are going to mwiss you more than you will ever mwiss us" Ben told me with his sweet little child voice that I loved so much. "Nope! I will miss you more!" I said. "You won't Cath, you want to know why?" "yes I do want to know little guy."

"Well because," Ben started, "you have lived without us and you know what it is like," Bella continued, "but we didn't." My little brother finished, at this point I was starting ton tear up, they were so cute. They are right but now that I have them I can't imagine a life without my little sister and brother.

"I love you both so much" I told them while hugging them one last time before I had to get into the car with dad to go to the airport. "Behave while I'm not here and play with each other, if you want to talk to me tell mom, dad, Ash or Ari and they can video call me with their phones okay?"

"okay Cath" they both said. I gave them a kiss on the cheek and they both told me they loved me back. Although Bella was not that little, I still treated her as if she were younger. I don't know if she minds. In fact I think she likes it because I treat her and Ben equally and I don't give preference to neither Ben or Bella.

After that I hugged Ari and Ash and we said we would miss each other and loved each other. Asher told me he will miss his singing/guitar partner and he will miss taking me to college and blasting to 1D or whatever music  in the car. Ari, on the other hand, told me she wouldn't have anyone to girl talk at 3 in the morning when she can't sleep or to go shopping when she was feeling sad or down. I told them I would miss those things too.

I hugged them all tightly one last time and went to the car where dad had already put my luggage and was waiting for me. I got into the car and as we sped off I waved at my family. Oh man I will miss them all so much. 

"Are you nervous darling?" my dad asked me. 

"Nah not nervous I just will miss everyone here so much and also everything here," I said, "it is quite difficult to go to a college on the other side of the world kinda. You know what I mean?".

"Yes I understand. But look at the bright side, you are going to the college you always wanted to go and the place you love the most so you are living a dream Cath. Not everyone has this opportunity you do." 

"You are right dad, thanks.," I told my dad who was driving peacefully. "I will only be there studying for a year though." 

"It doesn't matter how much time, we knew it would be only a year because you already did some courses before so you wouldn't stay long," he told me, "but a year or more, you never know what you are going to do after or the opportunities you will be given through this so you may at least live for the moment and be happy right now. We are all happy for you so you should be happy for your self."

"Thank you dad, I will really miss those words of yours that can lift any weigh of my shoulders." We were like a block away from the airport and I was already so exited to get to the plane. I kept thinking about what my dad told me. I always loved to hear some advice from my dad because he was really great at that.

Dad parked the car next to the airport doors and my dad got my bags out of the car and I grabbed my carry-on. We went to the check-in area and once I got ready with everything it was time to say bye to one of the people I loved the most; my dad. I looked at him and he looked like he would cry any time soon. 

"Oh dad! I will miss you so much" I said while hugging. "I will miss you too darling, I can't believe I already have two children in college and one that is about to go! You are all growing up too fast!"

"Yeah you are right, I wish I could be little forever" I told him and giggled. Flight 904 is ready to board please head to door D3. I hugged dad once more and we exchanged I love you's. I went to my flight door and once they scanned my ticket I waved and blowed a kiss to my dad. He waved back smiling and soon I was inside a plane about to start my flight to London.

I looked for my seat, I got the window seat in business class, row 3. Lucky for me this plane had only one seat on the right and left side and 2 in the middle. I put my bag in the overhead compartment and sat down. If you were wondering, I had already said bye to my best friends last night. I had to wait until everyone else sat down and once everyone was ready, the plane took off.

London here I come!


After 8 and 35 minutes I had arrived to London. I couldn't believe it. I slept almost the whole flight, I woke up 10 minutes before landing. Suddenly the pilot took the seat belt light off, I got my carry-on and headed out of the plane. 

As soon as I finished everything I had to do and grabbed my luggage I went out and took a better look of the place. It was actually already wonderful and I still was inside Heathrow airport. Then I remembered that I had to tell my mom and friends that I already landed. 

I had changed the chip of my phone so I could use it here without needing wi-fi.

To- Mommy<3xx

Hi mom! I'm already here in London, I'm at the airport yet but I just wanted you to know I landed safely. Kisses to you and all the family! love you all!

She would probably take time to answer because it was 8 in the morning here and by the 5 hour difference there it should be 3 in the morning.  Then I texted Aus and Tiff telling them that I landed safely and that I loved them.

I lifted my head up to look to were I had to go. I saw the rental car sign and followed the instructions. Once there, I took out the papers of the car I rented and looked at the picture of it. It was perfect. I couldn't wait to see it in person. I handed the papers to the guy in the rental car office and he told me that to find my car I had to go straight down the main part of the parking lot and then walk until the end and turn right. That was were my car should be parked and ready for me to drive.

I did as told and five minutes later I was standing right in front of the most beautiful and amazing car I had ever seen. I couldn't believe my parents could even afford this for me. In front of me was a shiny silver sports car. It had the borders of the windows and the inside part of the wheels gold. I opened the trunk to put in my bags and I took the carry-on with me because not everything fitted on the trunk. I put the carry-on in the back seats and as I did I checked out the inside of the car. It had black leather seats that had white kind of stripes on them but not actual stripes like around it the borders were white and gold instead of black. It had a roof that could be down or up so I had protection if it rains.

I got into the car but It didn't have the steering wheel. Then I remembered the steering wheel was at the other side so I got into the car again but now in the driver's side. I had to get used to this.

I had around an hour and 23 minutes to get to Cambridge so I put the roof up and took my phone out of my pocket and connected the cable I brought to the car. I chose Take Me Home by my fav boys and turned the volume up. I started singing loudly to LWWY. If someone heard me they would probably think I'm crazy but I don't care it's my boys singing here.

Once I was out of the airport I realised that this was the most gorgeous place I had ever been in my entire life. It was really beautiful. I can't even begin to describe how pretty this place was. 

I already fell in love London and it is my first day here. I'm completely sure I will love this experience.

A/N I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!

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