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After an hour, well almost two, of being on the road, I finally arrived. It was a beautiful university. It was enormous and it had a lot of grass at the front part of the building. When you get into the building there are different places to enter all around you. It is gorgeous, prettier than I imagined. Well, I went to check in and get my dorm room number.

"Hello,  I'm Wendy, I am here to give you all the information you need. And you are?" a lady with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, dressed formally asked. She stood up and put her hand out for me to shake.

"Uhm Hello, my  name is Catherine, Catherine Woods, I just got here from Kentucky" I answered politely.  Shaking her hand.

"Oh yes! Let me call your dorm room partner Mrs. Woods, the one who will be staying with you in the dorm." She said with her british accent. "She is very sweet and she will show you around a little." 

Wendy took back her seat and typed something in her computer. She then grabbed a phone and called whom I guess was being my roommate from now on.

"Oh hello Jessica, I'm here with your room mate right now and I wanted to ask you if you could show her around and help her?" Wendy talked again always being polite and formal. British accents always make everything more formal. I heard some mumbling from the other end and then Wendy talked.

"Alright thank you. She is waiting for you down here next to me." I once again heard Jessica talking and then they both said goodbye and the phone call was over.

"She is coming down to help you." 

"Thanks a lot mrs. Wendy" I said not sure about calling her Wendy alone.

"Oh please! just Wendy" she said and I smiled. A few minutes later a girl with long and wavy brunette hair appeared. She came next to me and I smiled at her and said.

"Hi Jessica, I'm Catherine Woods, but you can call me Catie very nice to meet you" 

"Hey Catie, I'm Jessica you can call me Jessie or Jess the one you like the most and it is very nice to meet you too. Let me show you around a little." she said with an Irish accent and as a 1D fan it was very nice to have an Irish room mate.

"You seem really nice Jess, I was wondering if we could go first directly to our room so I can leave my things and then you can show me around if you'd like?"

"Thank you, you also do. Yes, I was planning on doing that, either way is fine for me." She answered. We then went to the direction she came from and headed to our room. I liked the place it was big and it had wonderful decorations all around. It looked old but at the same time some things were modern. It was like something in a movie.

Then we entered a very nice dorm room, the door looked like those old doors from movies. It was really cool. When the door opened I saw the room. I was surprised at first but then I was so happy. The place was wonderful, it was a pretty spacious dorm room and it was designed perfectly. I loved it. I was surprised because I only saw one bed. Wasn't I supposed to share it with Jessie? I will ask her.

"Jess, the place is really nice and I do mean it, but-" she cut me off before I finished.

"I know what you are about to ask, and yes there is only one bed because we won't actually share the room, my room is right next to yours and we have this door here that joins them." She said answering my question and pointing to the door.

'I love it' I thought. Even though I already liked Jess I preferred to have my own room.

She showed me around and I loved the place it was a very nice college. 

After that I went back to my room and ordered my clothes and things I brought a little and I felt like at home. I talked with my mom and my friends and then I went shower. I put on my pyjamas and went to sleep. Tomorrow I had a free day and I started classes on Monday since it was Saturday today. I then opened my bed, which was pretty comfy may I add, and slept. 

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