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I woke up this morning and got out of bed, I was exhausted, but there was nothing that could make my day bad. It was the day I've been waiting for my whole life. I was going to start college!
I went to the bathroom and showered, then I did my make up and chose my clothes, I went with a simple but formal look. Not too much make up but a good amount in the eyes, curly hair and formal outfit. Perfect.
Once I was completely ready, I knocked on Jess' door to see if she was ready.
"5 more minutes I have to gather everything up!" she shouted.
I didn't have anything else to do because I had already prepared everything last night. But I decided it would be good to check if I wasn't forgetting anything.
As I expected, everything was ready and so was I.
Jess came into my room and we went off to our first day together.
•8 hours later•
My day was finally over, it was amazing. I got to meet a few other people too, like Blake and Maddie. They were such a good help! they helped me in all the classes I wasn't with Jess because always one of them was in it. It wasn't hard and I already knew I would love the rest of the year.
Although my day was great, I was really looking forward to Friday. Aus and Tiff were coming! I thought they were coming in about a month or two but they are coming sooner! Lucky me.
I texted my mom telling her about my day and the people I've met. I really had a good time.
I ate something and did the work I had to do for tomorrow. It was easy I just had to write about me and then tell it to the class. Of course I won't write anything deep about me because if not then everyone would know it. Just the basics. And then I had to write my opinion about a book I've read or about something that we liked or hated. I knew what to write about but as I had two weeks I decided to do it later. Just because I was tired and wanted to sleep for tomorrow.
I did what I had to do and went to sleep.

•Friday morning•
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, I quickly got out of bed remembering that today Aus and Tiff were coming. I got ready as fast as I could, grabbed my purse and my keys and phone, and rushed out the building and into my first class.
My first week here was a actually amazing and I'm really looking forward to the next one.
-After all classes were over-
The day was pretty good, sunny and a little bit of wind. I had a long way to Heathrow but I still had plenty of time until their flight got there. As I've been to Heathrow before I just needed to know the number of the flight and I would be ready.
-1 hour later-
I arrived to the airport parked my car and got off. The first thing I did was ask a lady for their flight number. She told me it was flight number 202 and so I checked if it was on time, as I expected, it was. I had 10 minutes until the arrival, I bought a coffee and a chocolate bar and sat down near the door they would come out. I waited until it was finally time and walked impatiently to the door. People started coming out but I couldn't see them anywhere yet. More and more people came out and still not sign of any of them. The people started to fade out and that was when I saw Tiff's hair. I went running next to her and shouted "TIFF AUS" they turned around and hugged me really tight.
"I missed you guys so so much, It's great to have you here sooner."
"I missed you tons too Cath, I see you're getting a little of an accent from here" Tiff said.
"Hahaha nahh"
"Okay okay now it's my turn OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH CATHERINE YOU DON'T GET IT OMG OMG I LOVE YOU OMG OMG" Aus said trying to mock a white girl, me and Tiff laughed and I told him I missed him lots and loved them both very much. We went back to uni and I showed them around, as boys had their dorms on the other side I called Blake to see if he was free to help Aus and luckily he was. Him and Austin will be great friends, and I know Tiff will love Maddie and Jess too. I showed Tiffany her room and we talked for a while until we decided it was late and we had to go to sleep and prepare ourselves for tomorrow. Tomorrow we were going to this place to it but it was literally in the middle of no were, still we had to wake up early (for a Saturday) because it was far from here.

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