Part 2

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Sam drove for about ten minutes now and still no sign of Gabe. Truth is Sam had no clue where to start looking. Gabe being a trickster and all that made it hard to find. Regret washing over Sam because he offered to look for Gabe. He knew that this was a bad idea, if Gabe doesn't want to be found, he can just snap himself everywhere.

On the other hand, he saw how his brother looked at Cas. Dean is in love with Cas and has been for a while now. It's kind of obvious. The way Dean looked at Cas, like Cas was his only savior, like Cas can save him from his emotional draining lifestyle. With Cas his brother is relaxed and at ease, more relaxed than he has ever seen him and he deserves it. He just hopes that the two finally confess other than just staring at each other and mentally undressing each other in their minds. Maybe they find true happiness together.

The problem is, Dean keeps denying his love for Cas. He's probably afraid they won't accept him for who he is or Cas doesn't love him back.

Sam has tried so many times to convince Dean that he's okay with it but Dean doesn't listen. Dean just pretends he didn't hear him and carries on with the things he was doing. Honestly, it annoys Sam.

Sam drove for twenty minutes now lost in thought. When he snapped out of it, he realized that he would never find Gabe at this rate and he might as well go back to the bunker and see how Cas and Dean are doing.

Sam stopped at the bunker and decided to call Dean as he walks in. When he opens the door, he sees a little black cat running outside and onto the road.

While Sam walked out of the door, Dean carries Cas upstairs to his room. Dean walks into his room and put Cas on his bed. Cas looks up at Dean with his big blue eyes. Dean could get lost in those eyes, they're so beautiful. Not to mention his raven bed hair and his kissable pale lips. Wait, what am I even saying?! I can't be in love with my best friend, that's ridiculous. You're as straight as a line. But why does he feel strange every time he looks at him. A strange feeling he can't place. Why can't he stop thinking about him. It's like Cas is hooked to his thoughts and not planning to let go. He's probably just imagining thinks. Maybe he's delusional.

Cas now lies on his back, showing his fur covered tummy. Dean smiles and walks over towards Cas. Dean slowly sits on the bed and reaches out to Cas. He didn't think about what he was doing until he feel the soft fur of the black kitten. Dean almost pulls away until he hears a barely there purr.

Dean chuckles and touches the fur again, this time slowly combing his hand through the fur with his fingers. Dean keeps petting Cas until he falls asleep. Dean removes his hand from the black fur and stands up. He walks to the other side of the bed and sits down against the headboard of the bed as quietly as possible, trying not to wake the sleeping Cas up.

Despite Dean trying to be quiet Cas still woke up. He stretches his body and starts licking his paw to wash his little head. When he is done with the grooming he walks towards Dean and climbs on top of his lap.

"Cas? What are you doing?" Dean asks not quite sure what to do. Cas lies down, making himself comfortable. Cas looks up at Dean unsure how he would react and with fear Dean might throw him off. Dean just smiles down at him and starts petting him again, making Cas purr loudly.

Suddenly the deafening sound of Dean's phone ringing makes Cas jump up from his sleep. Terrified of the sound Cas tries to get away, in the meantime crashing into the photo frame of Dean with his mom Mary. The frame crashes to the ground and sets the glass of the frame breaking and flying everywhere.

Dean looks at the frame with a shocked expression, while Cas looks at Dean with a frightened one. Cas is afraid Dean will be mad at him so he does what his instinct tells him.


Cas runs down the stairs and through the door Sam opens. It takes a minute for Dean to process what just happened, when he finally does, he runs downstairs trying to prevent Cas from escaping.

Dean goes to the still open front door and sees Sam with a shocked expression on his face. It doesn't take him long to know that Cas left.

"Dean, what just happened?" Sam asks still shocked.

"That son of a bitch escaped, my phone ringed and Cas ran away. He knocked over the photo on my bedside table by accident." Dean replied.

"You have to look for him!"

"What do you think I was about to do Sammy?" Dean says with a huge amount of sass in his voice before rushing outside into his '67 Chevy Impala.

He has to find Cas.

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