Part 1

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"This isn't funny Gabriel!" A frustrated Castiel shouts at Gabriel.

Once again Gabriel started mocking Castiel with his crush on Dean. How Gabriel found out, Cas may never know. But he did know that it was annoying.

"Listen little bro, just tell him. What is the worst that can happen?" Gabriel says getting frustrated too. He had to watch the two dance around each other for years without either of them making a move. Maybe it was time to take matter in his own hands.

"He might hear me." Castiel whispered looking down, starting to feel his cheeks getting hot.

"It's okay Cassie, I will help you." Gabriel answered with a little smirk. Castiel instantly knows it won't end well for him.

"Gabriel whatever you are planning to do to me, please don't do it." Castiel begged. Knowing in the back of his mind that it won't work.

If Gabriel had something in his mind, he made sure it would happen.

"Too late for that Cassie." Gabriel smirked and snaps his finger.

"Meow" Dean snaps his head up and looks around. He thought he heard a cat, but he might be wrong. "Meow!" Dean hears again.

Dean is now sure it is definitely a cat. He gets up off the couch towards the sound.

The meowing seems to come from Castiel's room. What if Castiel brought home a cat? Castiel would definitely do that.

Ready to lecture Cas about a cat that he might have brought home and the fact that Dean is allergic, Dean opens the door and sees a small black kitten sitting on Cas's bed. But it's the eyes that baffles Dean the most.
The ocean blue eyes Dean is well familiar with. "Cas?"

"What happened to you Cas?" Dean asks concerned. "Meow" Cas answers.

"Oh I forgot you can't actually answer me." Cas gives Dean his signature tilted head look.

"Isn't he cute?" A voice suddenly says behind Dean. "Gabriel? You did this?"

"How are you still surprised every time something like this happens? Aren't you used to it by know?" Gabriel laughs.

"Gabriel turn him back." Dean says danger in his voice.

"You have to catch me first, lover boy." Gabriel says with a small smile and poofs away.

"That son of a bitch" Dean sighs walking over to Cas and picking him up. No way he would leave him alone.

Dean walks with Cas in his arms downstairs and towards the kitchen, hoping he would find Sam in there.

"Dean is that a cat? I thought you were allergic." Sam asks bewildered. "Gabriel turned Cas into a cat and I think he made sure I can bear the symptoms." Dean says with an angry look on his face. Probably thinking of all the things he would do to Gabriel once he found him. "Well that is awfully nice of him." Sam says looking down at the kitten in Deans arms.

The kitten seemed very comfortable in Dean's arms, almost snuggling into his chest.

"We have to find him Sammy." "I know Dean, calm down it's going to be okay." Says Sam trying to be reassuring.

"Calm down? Cas is a cat!" shouts Dean from frustration. This startled Cas, making him jump from Dean's arm onto the ground and under the table.

"Shit I'm sorry Cas. I didn't mean to scare you." Dean says feeling guilty. He was just mad at Gabriel and concerned for Cas.

"Come here Cas, I won't hurt you." Dean says softly crouching in front of the table.

Hesitantly Cas walks from under the table towards Dean. When he reaches Dean he does something a bit unexpected. Cas rubs his little head against Dean's leg, purring softly.

Dean's eyes widen with shock but he smiles, picks the kitten up and back in his arms.

"You take care of Cas, I'll find Gabe." Sam says smiling knowingly towards the hunter and the little black kitten.

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