Part 3

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"Gabe get your feathery ass down here." Sam prayed walking around in his room. It always works for Dean so why not give it a shot. It's not like he has many options here. "Well well, what do we have here? Samantha praying to me. That's a new one. I'm not complaining though" A voice sounded from behind him. Sam quickly turns around and he is face to face with a smirking Gabriel. Their lips only centimeters apart. "What are you doing Gabe?!" Sam says, his cheeks turning a deep red.

"Why are you praying to me Sasquatch?" Gabriel asks. "You already know why Gabe." Sam says, trying to take a few steps back to create some space between them. Gabriel is not having it though.

"You want me to change Cas back." Gabriel says, taking a few steps forward, smirking when he sees Sam getting flustered.

"Yes, Gabe, you have to change him back." "And what if I don't?" Gabriel whispered looking down at Sam's lips. "I guess I have to make you then." Sam says suddenly filled with a weird sense of confidence. Sam smirks and licks his lips. Not being able to hold back anymore he crashes their lips together. Kissing Gabriel was like fireworks on the Fourth of July. They kissed with urge neither wanting to break their kiss. Sam put his hands around Gabriel's neck, while Gabriel gripped Sam's hair. Gabriel suddenly nibbled on Sam's lip asking for entrance, which Sam gained him. Their tongues fighting for dominance. A fight Gabriel won. Sam moaned in Gabriel mouth, letting the angel explore his. Sam broke off the kiss due to lack of air. While catching his breath, he heard Gabriel say "Fine I'll change him back."

Dean drove for an hour now and it was pitch black outside. Still no success in finding Cas. He has searched everywhere on the roads, in town and now he was on to the road near the bunker again. Suddenly the ringing that scared Cas, now echoed through the whole car. Sleep deprived and very grumpy Dean picked up. "What do you want Sam?"

"Have you found him yet?" "No Sam Cas has gone MIA on us."

"Well then I might have good news for you, come back to the bunker Dean." Sam's cheery voice spoke. "Gabe will change him back and bring us to him."

"He better change him back. That son of a bitch is still going to pay for what he did." Dean says with a sigh of relief. "And he better not trick us again." He adds.

"He won't Dean, just come back home." "Okay, be there in a few."

"Sam?" Dean shouted as he walked down the stairs of the bunker. "Sammy?!"

"Calm down Dean, where coming." Sam yelled from upstairs.

Sam and Gabriel walked down the stairs holding hands. When they stood in front of Dean, Sam looked down at their intertwined hands. Sam looked up at Dean nervous about his reaction.

"So you two are dating now?" Dean asked, voice filled with surprise, but not a hint of disgust. "Yes, we are." Sam said, smiling happily at Gabriel.

"Okay, can we save the lovey-dovey stuff for later and get Cas now, please?" Dean says annoyed but happy his little brother has found love.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Gabriel says and with a snap of his fingers they are looking down at a small sleeping kitten on the ground of the bunker. Gabriel snaps his fingers once again and Cas is back to normal. "There you go. We'll leave you two alone." Gabriel says with his signature smirk and snaps Sam and himself out of the living room probably making out in Sam's room or something.

The first thing Dean notices when he looks at Cas is his old ACDC shirt that Cas is wearing. The shirt is a bit too big on him but it makes him look even cuter.

Dean picks Cas up bridal style and carries him up the stairs and into Cas's room, knowing he probably would be tired from a night of running away.

Dean puts Cas on the bed and throws a blanket over him. Dean looks one last time at Cas before he leaves through the door.

Just before he closes the door, he hears a faint "Dean" coming from the bed. "Yes Cas?" Dean asks while he walks towards the bed.

"I'm sorry Dean. I'm really sorry. I know how much that photo meant to you and I broke it." He hears Cas whisper with tears in his voice.

"Is that why you run away?" Cas nods and turns his head so Dean won't see the tears streaming down his face.

"Oh Cas, It's fine. The photo is not broken, it's just a frame. I'll buy a new one, don't worry. I'm not mad at you, okay?" Dean says softly, trying to calm Cas down.

"Okay Dean." Cas says, smiling up at Dean. "Can I ask you something Cas?"

"Yes Dean?"

"Why are you wearing my old ACDC shirt?" Dean asks.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Cas says blushing. "It looked comfy and I'll change now." Cas stepped out of his bed and towards his closet. "Don't." Dean says, smiling at him. "You look better in it anyway." Dean says reassuringly.

"I like it when you wear my clothes. It's cute."

Cas blushed even deeper after that. "Shit, did I say that out loud?" Dean says now blushing too.

"Yes Dean, you did." Cas says, inching closer towards Dean.

Cas was now close enough to see every detail of the hunters green eyes and freckled face.

Dean bows his head down a little, looking at Cas's lips, when Cas suddenly captures Dean's lips in a short sweet kiss.

Dean put's his hands on Cas's hips, closing the gap again making the kiss last longer this time.

Dean expected kissing Cas would be like fireworks, but it wasn't. It was like the strange feeling he has always felt towards him but stronger. Only now he can put a finger on what the feeling was.

It was like coming home.

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