Chapter Five; Failed Agreements

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"What the hell happened?" Adrianna asked standing in front of two other vampires.

"It was Klaus, he came out of nowhere and started to rip their hearts out along with his brother and two other hybrids," the vampire told her.

Zach stood behind her listening to it all. He sigh out in frustration, "Then what happened?"

"After I realized we weren't going to get out of it Alex and I got out like a bat out of hell," the vampire said looking at the other.

"Dammit," Henry muttered.

Adrianna turned to him, "What game is he playing at?"

He shook his head, "I don't know. My guess is he is attack the outside and then surrounding us from the inside."

"Why the east side of the city?" Kelsey questioned.

"The werewolves live at the border at the east side," Zach told her turning the surviving vampires, "We're there any other wolves?"

They both shook their head, "No."

"They are going to go after the witches next," Adrianna said, "We have a to get them on our side before Klaus does."

"How the hell are we going to do that?" Henry asked.

Adrianna smirked, "I have a plan. Henry scope the east side out, see if Klaus is there. Kelsey take these guys back to the bar, tell the rest of them about the attack and start making some more vampires. Zach come with me."

"Aye-Aye captain," Henry said before taking off.


Klaus sat with his feet propped up in a large warehouse, once belonging to Adrianna and her vampires, but now it was his. The whole east side was his.

"I hope you are happy," Elijah said, walking toward his brother, "You managed to market yet another enemy, brother."

Klaus smirked, "It's all in the cards."

"What is your next plan of attack?" Elijah questioned.

Klaus ignored his brother, his eyes gazing up to the ceiling. "You know Elijah, this building could be made into something grand. I can in vision a chandler there, a play room for Hope, there."

"Niklaus, answer me."

"Let's see here, we have the east side, werewolves can go farther inland. Soon they will side with us. What other supernatural creature is being held hostage? That's right the witches, they are my next plan," Klaus informed his brother.

"Adrianna is not stupid, she sees what you are doing. After she finds out she will be going after the witches. My guess is shortly."

Klaus chuckled, "Do you actually think they will side with the women you entrapped them?"

"They might," Elijah said throwing a file down in front of his brother, "Rule number one Niklaus, do some research on your enemy."


"I don't understand," Alex said to Kelsey as they stood in the market, "Why does he want Seattle?"

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