Chapter Eleven; A New Hope

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The blood oozed from the fresh bullet wound in his chest. He struggled to breath, but only coughed up more blood. He looked around, more men lay dead or wounded around him, and soon he would join the dead, knowing this was a fatal blow. He looked up at the sky, the sun was barely shinning through the heavy gun and cannon fire. 

His eyes closed, in last hope, his body became numb. He had given up. Then his body was picked up, allowing the blood to escape his mouth and made it easier to breath. His eyes opened to see a women looking down at him. It confused Henry to why a women was out in the middle of the battle field in the deep south.

"What is your name?" She soft British voice asked.

"Henry," he coughed, "Henry Burke."

"Tell me Henry Burke," the women said, "Do you want to live?"

"With all my heart," Henry managed to say in a soft dying voice.

The women smiled an bit into her wrist allowing her blood to drip into his mouth. She smiled at the almost dead boy before breaking his neck.


"Henry, you have to tell me how Rebekah knows you," Adrianna said, "She offered us a weapon to destroy her own brother. She wouldn't just do that for anyone."

Henry sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He took a look at the people in the room, Adrianna, Zach, Mallory, and Kelsey. "Rebekah made me."

"She...she made you?" Zach asked shocked.

"I thought you said..."

"No. I lied," Henry said, "I was embarrassed."

"So you and Rebekah have like a maker bond?" Adrianna asked.

"It was deeper than that," Henry said, "We loved each other."

"So she saved your life after you were shot during the Civil War?" Mallory asked.

Henry nodded, "My parents were immigrated here in 1845 because of the famine. I was four at the time. My parents were broke but worked hard. My father was a stone mason, the only one supporting our family. I eventually had four sister, Bridget, Colleen, Keria, and Eileen. My father died from consumption, leaving my mother with five children. I was 20 at the time, fresh out of school, so I joined the Union Army. I eventually got shot, Rebekah saved me, and here I am now."

"Henry you said you were in love with her, there has to be more," Adrianna said, "Elijah knows you too."

"I don't want to talk about it," Henry said storming out of the room.

"You shouldn't treat your friends like that," a voice said causing Henry to turn around.

"What are you doing here Rebekah?"

She stepped closer to him, "I want to help you, Henry. After all we been through together."

Henry pushed her away from him, "I don't blame you for what happened. My beef is with Klaus not you. If you were smart I would leave the city."

"But I'm offering help," Rebekah said steeping closer to him, "I have the stake."

Henry looked dead in her crystal blue eyes, "Why do you want to help and betray Klaus?"

"Because he betrayed me...he betrayed us when he daggered me."

"Why would you bring him here Rebekah?" a voice yelled.

Henry was just coming out of unconscious. He didn't yet trust his eyes, but he felt as if he was floating in air. Hid body sunk into a soft bed, an actually bed compared to what he was sleeping on before.

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