What he loves about your personality

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Simon: He loves how you don't let anything get to you. As popular as he is among the female viewers, he loves how you can get hate, but not show how it affects you. It shows you are strong, and he needs somebody strong to left him back up when he is feelings weak.

Tobi: He loves how determined you are. Juggling Uni, a relationship, and your own YouTube channel can be pretty stressful. But, you deal with it. And through all the stress, you deal with it. You manage to get into videos with not only Tobi, but the other Sidemen as well. The fans love you for it, and even Tobi argues that they love you more than he loves you.

Josh: He loves how cheerful you are. Even if you don't feel good, you're always happy. You'll always tell shitty jokes that aren't funny, but they make him laugh at how shit and cheesy they are, and that cheers him up. Seeing him happy makes you happy, and vise versa.

Harry: He loves your spirit. You're so carefree and silly. As young as he is, he doesn't want something serious yet. But, he knows he'll be with you for a long time, so you two will become very serious. He doesn't want to talk about marriage or kids, although you do know you both want them. Being young, he wants to live his life, and he wants to live it to the fullest; with you.

JJ: He loves how serious you can get. A lot of things are going on in his life, and he can be a bit goofy. His antics can sometimes get offensive, and his sexual jokes can get him into trouble. With you being serious, he stays grounded, and we all know that out of control Jide, isn't gold Jide.

Vikk: He loves how caring you are. You put everybody's feelings before your own, including his. And he does the same, which can lead to arguments. The good part is is that you two can't fight for a long time, as you both feel guilty about five minutes after.

Ethan: How you can always make him laugh. You know his viewers love his laugh, as well as the guys. So, whenever you're around, you make him laugh. Even if he's already happy, you still do it. If he's sad, you can as well. It seems that whenever he's around you, he simply can't be in a bad mood.

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