The Wedding-Chapter 23

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"Mom, you look beautiful," I say to her. I looked at her in astonishment as she walked towards me with her simple long white dress. She looked beautiful and happy. I haven't seen her this happy in years.

"Thank you, honey but I'm still nervous," she says in a shaky voice. It was obvious she was nervous.

I've always wondered. Did my mom and dad ever truly love each other? When I was around, it was usually fake but did they ever have genuine feeling where they found that they felt in love? "Mom, I have a question," I say unsure if I should ask her. Maybe this wasn't the question to ask on her wedding day.

"What is it, honey?" I was looking into her deep desperate eyes and I was still wondering if I should ask her the question.

I should have said kindly said'never mind' but instead the words that came out of my mouth were "Did you ever actually love dad?" She looks at me, sighs, and then looks down at the floor.

"Once, your dad and I were in love but honey, sometimes love dies and that was exactly what happened between us." I nod. She continues talking " But I will never regret marrying him. We both moved on, anyways. I'm sure he is very happy with his girlfriend. "

We get a signal that the wedding was about to start. We are about to prepare but my mom grabs my arm and stops me. "Mom, what are you doing?"

" I just wanted to tell you something." She pauses. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" What did my mom need to apologize for?

"For lying in front of your face for all those years. Your father and I were trying to make you happy by doing it but we realized we weren't making you happy. I'm sorry, Amber."

I smile and say "Thanks mom." I give my mom a hug and say "Good luck."

"Thanks I need it," she answers back. We all prepare to walk down the aisle. I stand alongside my partner, Eli. We all walk down the aisle two by two with the traditional bridal song being played on the piano. I felt a hand touch mine and found it was Eli's. I look up at him and smile. I took some time to examine the area we were in. It was beautiful. I saw some people that I recognized. Chrissy's mom forced Chrissy to be there. Chrissy wore a strapless hot pink dress that went down to her mid-thigh. Abby was here without her parents wearing a plain black dress and black converse. I wasn't surprised to see that Kim wasn't there. We had invited both her and her parents but they both didn't come. She was probably still mad at me for stealing her boyfriend away from her. The last time I saw her was at the mall and she gave me a nasty finger when I walked past her.

I watched as my mother stood hand in hand with her future husband saying her vows. They kissed and the wedding was over. I felt somebody tap my shoulder gently and turned around. It was my dad. Why was he here?

" Dad, what are you doing here?" I felt a mix of feelings I was surprised and angry and happy all at the same time. Happy had beat out all the other feelings. I hugged him as tightly as I can. I released the hug.

"Honey, I missed you so much." I was glad that he missed me.

"I missed you too, dad." Standing next to my dad was a woman with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She wore a long green dress that went all the way down to her ankles. She looked like she was in her mid to late twenties. I had to admit she was pretty.

"This is my girlfriend, Sam."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I shake her hand. She seemed actually like a nice person. I've decided to forgive my dad. I don't think it was his intention to make me feel bad and Sam seemed nice. I think it was good that he wanted to get to know her.  He just wanted Eli came up behind me.

"Who's this guy?," my dad asks referring to Eli.

"Dad, this is my boyfriend, Eli." They shake hands.

" Boyfriend?," my dad asks surprised.

"Yes, dad."

 He looks at Eli strangely and says" Don't break my daughter's heart."

"Don't worry. I won't."

The reception went smoothly. Eli and I had slow danced and when the song had finished, he asked me if I wanted to go on a walk with him. "Yeah, sure," I replied. He led me to a field that had a great view of the moon. We both sat in the field for awhile. Not talking. Not doing anything. We were just there for each other. I realized something. I've read many romance books and I was hoping that I could have the thing they had but Eli and I had something even more special than what happened in romance books and movies. It was something nobody could take away from us. I wondered how could somebody I hated not long ago could turn into someone I loved. He changed me. My whole life had changed all because of the boy the next door.

Hey guys! I'm sorry that this chapter is short. I can't believe my story is #618 in romance and it has 7500 views. I want to thank all of you for reading my stories. I recently made a story called my servant stole my heart. I would really appreciate it, if you guys read it. I have decided to enter my story into the Watty's and also I'm going to make the bonus chapter about Amber and Eli's future. Please vote, comment, and follow.

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