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Is it good?

Do you like it so far?

I got the idea from looking at abandoned thing pictures.

I'm going with this from the top of my head- nothing is really planned out.

But I just have to ask if you could tell me if it's good or not.




Frank came out of the bathroom and stood at the top of the stairs.

"Gerard?" He called.

I came out of the kitchen and looked up the stairs at him. "Hey. Um- I just made some lunch for you- um... But only if you want it." He was wearing the clothes I gave him. He looked amazing in my jeans. They wrapped around his legs very nicely.

He came down the stairs slowly, keeping eye contact with me. I held out my hand for him to take when he got close enough. He slid his hand into mine and I walked him into the kitchen. He sat down on the stools in front of the island counter and watched me as I brought his plate to him.

"Thank you, Gerard." He said softly.

I stayed on the other side of the counter and smiled at him.

I have to say it now; I think I might have feelings for this little abandoned boy.


He looked up at me.

"Have- you ever loved something?"

He thought for a minute. "Well... um... What exactly is love?" He asked.

"It's when you put everything you have on the line for someone or something. You feel a special feeling. It makes you happy." I stopped. "Love is something that really can't be explained."

"Oh.... No... I've never loved anything before."

I wanted to be his one and only after he said that. I wanted to pull him close to me and love him. I wanted to take care of him.

"Have you ever been in love, Gerard?"

"It wasn't love. But I have."

"What do you mean?"

"I liked this guy and all he wanted was sex. I wouldn't give it to him so he went off and got what he wanted."

"What's sex?"

"Sex is something you and someone else do when you love each other."

"But he wanted sex."

"Sometimes people want to do it for pleasure not for love."


We were quiet for a bit.

"Have you done it?"

"A few times."

He nodded then went back to eating.

I wanted to show him what I knew. I wanted to be his first. He trusts me. I want to make him happy. I want to see him smile all the time.

Little Frankie just had to open up more to me.

Abandoned -{FRERARD}-Where stories live. Discover now