Captin America (Capitan) ( Cap)

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Captain America. Who knows how old?Is very patriotic and heroic. Back in his day it was World War 2 and he was fighting the red skull. He got injected with the super man serum. I mean super solder serum. This made him faster, smarter, stronger,  taller and so on. But how come he still has not defeated Hydra? And how would it feel to have thousands of needles into your arm. Wouldn't you die from the pain? 😁 Ouch! When Cap got frozen how did he still survive? And when he got thawed did he remembered how it felt to get frozen? In the cartoons, Cap came back very worried and confused. So how did he automatically trust the avengers that had superpowers that could have been hydra the whole time? How come the serum is still functioning after all that time? Was it persevered? Does Captain America ever get sick? Does he ever get nightmares about the wars? 😫 Would he ever love again?! 😭 So sad.  Does he get scared at all of Tony's technology? So many unanswered questions!

Anyways he is an awesome old fashioned hero!!!!!!
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