Scott has laser beam eyes. He still has not taken full control of his powers and uses sunglasses all the time. What is Scott's excuse when he is in class in order to use the sunglasses? Will Scott one day have full control of his powers and not use glasses? In the cartoons, Scott is a goody two shoes and strict on his friends. What will happen if he one day he did not care? Scott loves Jean. Why is it that they haven't gotten married?
In the cartoons, Scott has no parents because they died in a plane crash. How come there was a plane crash? Was there sabatage?
That is one big mystery. Anyways, Scott is an amazing super hero with awesome laser eyes.
Marvel Mysteries
RandomAll heroes are awesome. Yet, each one has unexplained mysteries. So lets see what Hulk, Iron man, Captain America, and the rest of the gang have yet to uncover . * Some characters will be taken out of the cartoons .* Please leave comme...