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The Incredible Hulk is very awesome and one of my favorite super heroes! Yet he has some flaws. 😱 . Yeah I know right.
So lets get to it.
Hulk has super super super strength, but not a lot of smarts. He talks with short sentences and does little thinking when he is fighting. Maybe because his brain is covered in gamma energy? And if hulk eats a lot how come Bruce is really scrawny? Aren't they really the same body? Who knows. How would it feel to expand to the size of Texas in less than a minute? 😨 Buy the way in the cartoons, Hulk helps the Avengers by staying as the Hulk. So what happens to Bruce? In the Avenger's Marvel Avengers Assemble, Hulk also has a room full of tiny glass animals in the Avengers' mansion. ☺️ Hee Hee. So cute, by the way.

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