Bobby is a teenage boy with freezing powers. He puts Elsa way byhind. How would it feel to be all frozen over? Can he make a castle of ice? 😆What will Elsa think of Bobby? How does Bobby react in the winter? If Bobby gets out of hand will he create a ice storm? How would it feel to have ice shooting out from you? How does Bobby feel about ice sculptors? ☺️ Who dose Bobby like Rogue or Kitty?😍 What happens to Bobby's blood when he freezes? How does Bobby drink a glass of water with out freezing it?
Any answers? Well who knows?
Bobby powers are awesome and maybe will impress Elsa! 😝

Marvel Mysteries
RandomAll heroes are awesome. Yet, each one has unexplained mysteries. So lets see what Hulk, Iron man, Captain America, and the rest of the gang have yet to uncover . * Some characters will be taken out of the cartoons .* Please leave comme...