Love is love

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Awkward glances.

Wary smiles.

Stiff movements.

Quickening paces.

This is what we get, walking down the street I grew up on. Walking by the people who were there to catch me if I fell when I was learning to walk. Walking by the ones you would play with me at the park. The ones who would shoot me with water guns or with the water hose in the backyard.

Forever I thought.

Forever I would have these people to lean on.

But I didn't have quites as long.

Honestly, I did have them to come to for help & support, but ever since I came out with the real me, it's like I was no longer good enough for them.

I was always a vivacious, & cheeky child growing up, but I didn't know that one day my upbeat personality would turn me to shyness and scilence, by one person.

I was walking down my street to a friends house, when I first saw him.

He was carrying a box to his front door.

I looked at him & his skinny girly arms & long slender legs. But the first thing I truly noticed was his dark, seaweed eyes, rimmed with a lime like color. They were just mesmerizing. Then how his scruffy hair laid a bit over his eyes

Next my sense had just turned off & my true desires surfaced as my subconscious mind came into control. I walked right up to him & said, "H-Hi." In more of a whisper than anything.

He jerked his head around, "Oh shit, you scared the fuck out of me." He looked at me a second more, before turning fully around. "The name's Daniel," He said looking me hard in the eye. "And your name would be?" He questioned.

I just stood there a second, shocked & yet getting a little self-conscious. "I-I'm Jasp-per." I said, less confidently than usual.

"Well, Jasp-per," Daniel said mimicking me, "It's nice to finally meet another kid my fucking age here."

I just stood there, thinking, letting my mind wonder. I've never really met another kid who would cuss like that, but oh what would he being saying if we were-

"Hey." Daniel said snapping his fingers in-front of my face.

I shook my head, "Oh sorry." I had an embarrassed look on my face.

"Yeah. Well as you can see," He gestured to all the boxes he had to bring in, "I'm new to the neighborhood & you're the first kid I've met." He seemed to quiet down a bit, looking as if he were getting a bit shy, "You wanna hang out later?"

I just stood there, trying to stop my smile from getting to big. "Sure Daniel." I said getting my confidence back. "When do you wanna hang out?"

He looked back to the car. "Uh, well when I'm done with this shit, we could." Then he looked to me, a sort of pleading look in his eyes. "Is that ok with you?"

I looked at him a bit confused, then just forgot about it. "Yeah & if you want I could help." I wasn't one known for offering a helping hand, but I just couldn't help myself. I wanted to spend as much time with this Daniel as I could.

"That would be great," He seemed to open back up, standing up a little straighter. "I don't feel like carrying all this crap in by myself."

I smiled at his snappy comment, somehow knowing that wouldn't be the last of them.

Now as we walk down that same street, holding hands, fingers intertwined, ligthly squeezing oneanother's hand for reassurance.

I smile to my long time neighbors, not expecting anything back, & I don't get anything back.

But all I know is that, this sandy blond boy will never leave this ginger headed boy he's standing next to.

I don't care if I get all the hate in the world for loving someone of the same gender. Because every time I'm told I'm some "gay faggot", I've got the love of my life to lay with & tell me how wrong they are.

I stop walking, "Danny?" I looked at him a little scared, confused, but still as lovingly as always.

"Yeah, Jasper?" He asks worry surrounding his words.

I pull him to the side, into an ally at the end of our street, where I push him up against a wall. He stiffens. "Danny, do you trust me?"

Danny looks into my eyes, as if trying to read them. Then he relaxes, putting his hands around my waist, slightly pulling me closer. "Of course I do."

With that I let out a breath of air, I didn't know I was holding. "Daniel, ever since the first day I saw you, I knew you were something special. And everyday after that I knew I wanted to spend them with you. You have changed my life for the better & I don't know where I'd be without you." I stood there a second, to read Daniel's face. It was full of hope, his eyes were starting to water, & his cheeks were turning a light shade if red.

"Daniel," I continued. "I've never felt this way about anyone before & sometimes that scares me. But the fact that you've stuck with me, through all of our ups & downs truly means a lot to me." I took a deep breath & looked Daniel dead in the eyes.

"Daniel I've been waiting to tell you this, but I can't hold it in any longer." I pause and close my eyes, letting what about to do sink in.

"Jasper." Daniel says.

I open my eyes to look at him & he's smiling, bright & happy. "I never wanna leave you." With that finally said he leans in & plants his plum, pink lips softly on mine.

Only pecking them at first to see if I'm ok with it & I was perfectly fine with this. So I kiss back, passionately & happily. Then Daniel realizes how I react to his sweet gesture & starts to kiss back more lovingly than I could have ever asked for.

We pulled away to take a breath, "Jasper, I love you."

I stared at Daniel my eyes brimming with the tears threatening to spill. As my bottom lip quivers, I smile & shake my head up & down.

"I love you Jasper," Daniel tightens his grip around my waist & sets his head on my shoulder. "I love you Jasper & I want to be with you, forever & always."

I'm crying now, as I feel little droplets fall on my shoulder & I know it's not raining. "Daniel," I wrap my arms around his back, pulling our chests together. "Oh Daniel, I love you. I love you & nothing will ever change that."

I stood there a while, before Daniel looked back up at me. "Aww baby, don't cry." He slowly kissed the tears from my cheeks.

"Me?" I questioned, laughing a little. "Look at you," I wipe the tears with my thumb, then lightly kiss Daniel again, but pull back not knowing if he's ok with that.

I hear him giggle. "Jasper, I love you." I blush a little. "And I just wanna tell you," Daniel stopped, then looked at me straight, but didn't say anything. Instead he leaned in & kissed me once more. Reassuring me that he did love me & was fine with kissing.

We both pulled back satisfied & smiled. "I love you Jasper."

Without regret I said, "I love you Daniel."

With that I let Daniel off the wall & we ended up walking to the park, spending the rest of the day there.

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